This is the Message Centre for 2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

new boots

Post 1

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

smiley - zen new, shiney black leather boots. smiley - zen 1.5 inch heels, and knee high smiley - zen inside zip smiley - zen need to wear them in a bit really, bit uncomfy for any distance walking in them, as I found when we were at hospital yesterday smiley - zen

Was at hospital yesterday, or rather the place right sort of next to the hospital wher eI do pilates smiley - zen

Was my second time at it yesterday.

Turns out I've got really good balance, everyone seemed really supprised I could just balance on one leg, without holding onto anything, to unzip and remove the boot from one foot, then swap round feet, and do the same in the otter direction smiley - ermsmiley - weird

stretchy yesterday at pilates hurt more; mainly on my chest on the right hand side, just behind where the port was removed... which perhaps isn't too shocking smiley - laughsmiley - weird scar seems to be heeling nicely, now, though still a bit of blood from time to time round the remaining stitches that ain't disolved away yet smiley - weirdsmiley - zen

I'm the only bloke at the pilates smiley - laugh all the other participents are females who've had breast cancer so... I kinda fit in of course smiley - laugh - interesting discussions with a couple fo the class, after over tea smiley - tea discussing the menapause (which I've had of course smiley - laugh ) and side affects of chemo etc smiley - zen and diet and food and tea and things smiley - zen

I so need to lose weight now, still gaining despite having reduced my food intake further. I guess not having any thyroxin in my body at the moment isn't helping, and still being on steroids (hydrocortisone ) isn't helping either smiley - erm mind, I've reduced the hydrocortisone down now, to 3 X 5 MG a day, so 15 MG in total, rather than 20 or 30 MG a day which were dosinggs I was on at various times.

oddly. 15 MG a day is strictly speaking below the functional, biologically/physiologically active level, which is ment to be 20 MG, so not really sure if there is much point me taking any at all now... perhaps... smiley - weird

looking at things... I think I've about 42 Lb to try lose now smiley - wahsmiley - yikes by the end of May smiley - bigeyessmiley - fishsmiley - alesmiley - coffeesmiley - teasmiley - corncobsmiley - pandasmiley - handcuffs

Oh, and I've now got the port that was removed from my chest, made into a pendant on a chain, as the bits had arrived for me to make it smiley - zensmiley - divasmiley - handbag

new boots

Post 2

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

That must have been one special smiley - tea break smiley - laugh

Wish I could have been there to witness and maybe record it smiley - biggrin

Congrats on new boots and pendant smiley - ok

smiley - pirate

new boots

Post 3

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Think I'll wear my older boots out tonight htough..... after a few more smiley - ale s than I normally have, not sure how I'd fare in the new ones with the heels smiley - laughsmiley - divasmiley - handbag

new boots

Post 4

Cool Old Guy (ex-SockPuppet) Trying not to post for the next 200 days !

Cool old Guy smiley - cogs on his head
"Imagining 2legs blacksmithing his port to a chain carefully positioning the chackle over the anvil, swinging a sledge hammer while balancing on heels . . . smiley - boingsmiley - diva"

new boots

Post 5

Nosebagbadger {Ace}

Why do I fear that those heels would be the only thing being worn... smiley - ermsmiley - runsmiley - run

new boots

Post 6

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

smiley - laugh no way! far too cold to go out with something else on! smiley - laugh mind, I did feel pretty smiley - brr the other night in my short purple dress with just some thin leggings under plus the boots smiley - laugh good job the pub is near my house smiley - laughsmiley - alesmiley - divasmiley - handbag

new boots

Post 7

Milla, h2g2 Operations

How come you haven't any thyroxine? I wasn't aware that had crashed too? And why aren't you taking replacements for it? Of course you gain weight if you don't have thyroxine?
You are one amazing medical miracle you.smiley - hug

smiley - towel

new boots

Post 8

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...


the saga of my endocrine woes!;

seems; entirely random it happened to crop up/get diagnosed just as I began cancer treatment... - thinking might be a connection was, apparently a red herring, or at least a red sea bream.

I lost my sight in my left eye as a result of a brain hemordige, in 1994, secondary to the traffic accident a few months before, that distroyed the right optic nerve;

anyhow, this hemorridge in 94, had gradually leaked some fluid into the nearby sinus, the sphegmoid sinus; in turn this had put pressure onto the pituitary gland, and eventually stopped the pituitary working well enough to do its job;

of note, the pitutiary hormones folicle stimulating hormone and leuitinishing hormone, I don't make in the pitutiary; therefore my testicles stopped making testosterone, - I get the testosterone injections now!;

the pituitary stoppped producting ACTH; adrenocortitrophic hormone; thence my adrenals stopped releasing cortisole - hence I tkae hydrocortisone replacement hormone tablets, dairly;

I also don't get any growth factor from the pitutiary, but they don't want to repalce that as it can help cause cell division.... - scared they is, that that might increase risk of cancer relapse if they supliment me with tha t hormone too as a dairly injection.

my levels of thyroid stimulating hormone from the pitutiary have shrunk, over last year, and thusly the amount of thyrozxin I produce from the thyroid gland has gone down; I have no idea why they've not given me repalcement hormone yet; every time I ask they fob me off. - of course; additionally, I may have recieved some radiation dammage to my thyroid gland, during radiotherapy, as, in their words, the beans would have just 'brushed' the thyroid gland. (radiotherapy may have wrecked the nerve supply to my left arm too, but only time will revleal that).

At the moment. in so much pain!; tear ducts ruined by chemo not lubricating eye... my right yee is kind of... ripping itself to bits I think. spent all night last night at A&E, today in emergency eye clinic. and they didn't give me pain relief. I'm not overly happy.

new boots

Post 9


"I'm not overly happy."

Possibly the most British understatement I have ever read. That sounds like a whole catalogue of awfulness to deal with, 2legs. smiley - cuddle

smiley - fairy

new boots

Post 10

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

smiley - sorry about all that smiley - sadface

Kick smiley - doctor Helpless' shin for me if you get the chance

smiley - pirate

new boots

Post 11

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

pah? understatement? smiley - zen nah... really... smiley - zen once my eye stops hurting again I'll be fine... smiley - zen It was as I said to start with, only a drop of cancer afterall smiley - zen and, I am still forfilling my prime objective; to entertain and amuse all staff at the hospital, wherever I go smiley - zen

heck; I even got my surgin laughing a couple weeks back, whilst she was cutting my chest open and removing the port smiley - laugh - actually I'm fairly sure the slightly wonky stitch I could feel at teh end of the line of stitches corosponds exactly with another time I got her to laugh during the procedure smiley - laugh - mind, by the time she was stitching the anasetic had won off chihc, to my point of view, made it kinda interesting to feel myself being stitched back up smiley - cool Hmm. actually this eye is very painful, moreso than feeling myslf being stitched up a couple weeks back smiley - laughsmiley - zen - anyhow, just think of all this fabulus weird I'm getting to discover.... and... my prof wants me to have even more testosterone injected now smiley - laugh every 8 weeks, instead of 10 apparently smiley - laughsmiley - puff - if only I had the energy to deal with the testosterone smiley - snorksmiley - angel

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