A Conversation for h2g2 New Users

Pictures in Journals

Post 1


Does anyone know how to add a picture to a Journal entry?

Pictures in Journals

Post 2

Researcher 33091


Pictures in Journals

Post 3

Mr Pynk


Pictures in Journals

Post 4

Mr Pynk

Did this work!?

Pictures in Journals

Post 5

Mr Pynk

NO! smiley - sadface

Pictures in Journals

Post 6

Researcher 33381

No - despite having a scanner and graphics software, the pictures never seem to be the right format for ANYWHERE!

Pictures in Journals

Post 7

Jim Lynn

Journals aren't *necessarily* the best place for pictures, which is why we don't let you embed them.

This might change.

Pictures in Journals

Post 8

Sonic Healer

But can you put pictures anywhere else on your homepage? If so, how?

Pictures in Journals

Post 9


I agree it would be nice to be able to add a picture even if it was limited in size, format, dimensions etc
Twobitz page looks much nicer for having an illustration.

Pictures in Journals

Post 10


Putting graphics on your page is easy as long as you know the basics of HTML. The trick is to make sure the graphic is already accessible on the net (a free homepage perhaps). All you then have to do is link to that image. OK, OK, call up one of my pages (www.h2g2.com/p43381) and select "view source" from your browser and look for the babelfish image statement. Beware! Mucking up HTML results in a ruined page or a crashed browser. I am trying to catalogue the contents of www.h2g2.com/images in a user page - soon.

Pictures in Journals

Post 11


To help compile a list of images, especially those held under the www.H2G2.com/Images directory, please visit this user page: Images

Pictures in Journals

Post 12



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