This is the Message Centre for GreyDesk

bagging This is loverly GreyDesk's Fan Club!!!!

Post 2121


It's too late for the first...

...but not for the second!smiley - ale

bagging This is loverly GreyDesk's Fan Club!!!!

Post 2122

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

smiley - hug GreyDesk

bagging This is loverly GreyDesk's Fan Club!!!!

Post 2123


smiley - hug Mom

...and boots thread up everyone's most recent conversations list smiley - winkeye

bagging This is loverly GreyDesk's Fan Club!!!!

Post 2124

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

*Makes a resolution to do that every day... hopes he can remember to do it smiley - erm*

bagging This is loverly GreyDesk's Fan Club!!!!

Post 2125


Boot mine or boot yours?

possibly getting smiley - injured here...

bagging This is loverly GreyDesk's Fan Club!!!!

Post 2126


*trips over boot*

Hey who left that there?

Hiya GDesk!

That boot looks about your size...but why is it high-healed?smiley - erm

bagging This is loverly GreyDesk's Fan Club!!!!

Post 2127

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

smiley - yikes I think we should be told smiley - tongueout

bagging This is loverly GreyDesk's Fan Club!!!!

Post 2128


Well Docs come with quite a hefty heel, and quite a hefty steel toe cap as well smiley - bigeyes

bagging This is loverly GreyDesk's Fan Club!!!!

Post 2129


Right, I'm off down the pub. See you all later smiley - drunk

bagging This is loverly GreyDesk's Fan Club!!!!

Post 2130

Lighthousegirl - back on board

* rushes in *

Hello? Anyone home?

bagging This is loverly GreyDesk's Fan Club!!!!

Post 2131

The Easter Bunny

* hops in looking rather bemused *

* twitches nose *

Hello - I er was looking for Paul - Is he here?

* eats carrot *

bagging This is loverly GreyDesk's Fan Club!!!!

Post 2132


Aren't you a bit late?smiley - erm

bagging This is loverly GreyDesk's Fan Club!!!!

Post 2133

Lighthousegirl - back on board

Who me?

bagging This is loverly GreyDesk's Fan Club!!!!

Post 2134


Not you, the Easter Bunny. You're very punctual!smiley - biggrin

bagging This is loverly GreyDesk's Fan Club!!!!

Post 2135

Lighthousegirl - back on board

* giggles *

How little you know me PF!

bagging This is loverly GreyDesk's Fan Club!!!!

Post 2136


smiley - laugh

bagging This is loverly GreyDesk's Fan Club!!!!

Post 2137

Lighthousegirl - back on board

smiley - biggrin

Do you think he would mind if we helped ourselves to drinks?

bagging This is loverly GreyDesk's Fan Club!!!!

Post 2138


Who cares?smiley - biggrin

smiley - cheers

bagging This is loverly GreyDesk's Fan Club!!!!

Post 2139

Uncle Heavy [sic]

smiley - run back from pub. what i love are 18th birthday things. i also love teachers who volunteer to come anf buy rounds. specially cos they are so cool

bagging This is loverly GreyDesk's Fan Club!!!!

Post 2140

Lighthousegirl - back on board

* giggles *

We better passe Unc one too!

or should that be one or two?

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