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bagging This is loverly GreyDesk's Fan Club!!!!

Post 2161

Lighthousegirl - back on board

* adjusts her pony tails and snatches GD's cap *

bagging This is loverly GreyDesk's Fan Club!!!!

Post 2162


My school uniform was black jeans and a sweatshirt. I was supposed to be wearing black trousers and a school jumper.

When the Deputy Head told me off for wearing such a combo, I delighted in telling him that my mother had said to me, "I'll be buggered if I'm going to wash and iron any more of those f*****g things."

I should also point out that my mother was one of the senior teachers at said same school smiley - laugh

bagging This is loverly GreyDesk's Fan Club!!!!

Post 2163

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

bagging This is loverly GreyDesk's Fan Club!!!!

Post 2164


* reaches for shotgun and stewpot *

bagging This is loverly GreyDesk's Fan Club!!!!

Post 2165


Oh dear, the thought of Deskers in blazer, cap and shorts, carrying a satchel, his shirt hanging out and his shoelaces trailing... it's too much...smiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laugh

bagging This is loverly GreyDesk's Fan Club!!!!

Post 2166

Lighthousegirl - back on board

I think he would have been quite the schoolboy by that definition!

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Post 2167

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Plus, he's carrying a shotgun and
a stewpot.


No, I can't easily imagine that.
smiley - bigeyes

bagging This is loverly GreyDesk's Fan Club!!!!

Post 2168

Lighthousegirl - back on board

Do you really think he would hurt the Easter Bunny?

Or is it just you see him more as an Elmer Fudd type?

bagging This is loverly GreyDesk's Fan Club!!!!

Post 2169

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

1. I don't know.

2. I just threw that in because
it seemed funny at the time. Elmer
Fudd never gets any respect, which
is precisely why he was invented. smiley - bigeyes

bagging This is loverly GreyDesk's Fan Club!!!!

Post 2170


Elmer Fudd! Oh, definitely! smiley - laugh

bagging This is loverly GreyDesk's Fan Club!!!!

Post 2171


I've often shot and trapped rabbits for food.

True, our Easter smiley - bunny isn't really in that category, but then she isn't really a rabbit. Are you Abi smiley - tongueout

bagging This is loverly GreyDesk's Fan Club!!!!

Post 2172

Lighthousegirl - back on board

smiley - bigeyes

bagging This is loverly GreyDesk's Fan Club!!!!

Post 2173

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

smiley - doh

So the Easter Bunny is Abi?

And I've been going around thinking
it was Dragonfly. smiley - erm

bagging This is loverly GreyDesk's Fan Club!!!!

Post 2174

Lighthousegirl - back on board

You think that Abi was the Easter Bunny?

bagging This is loverly GreyDesk's Fan Club!!!!

Post 2175

Lighthousegirl - back on board

or Dragonfly?

bagging This is loverly GreyDesk's Fan Club!!!!

Post 2176


You mean the Easter Bunny isn't real? smiley - wah

bagging This is loverly GreyDesk's Fan Club!!!!

Post 2177

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Light, it was GreyDesk who said the E.B. was Abi.

It was I who thought the E.B. was Dragonfly.
The Easter Bunny mentioned a fondness for
chocolate milk, so I thought it was a clue
to the bunny's real identity. Dragonfly is
very fond of chocolate milk.

bagging This is loverly GreyDesk's Fan Club!!!!

Post 2178

Lighthousegirl - back on board

Thats true - but lots of people like Chocolate milk and I am with PF on this one smiley - erm

bagging This is loverly GreyDesk's Fan Club!!!!

Post 2179


I like chocolate milk and I'm fairly sure I'm not Dragonfly...

bagging This is loverly GreyDesk's Fan Club!!!!

Post 2180


I made the link / assumption that the Easter Bunny was a Towers job based upon the style of language and page layouts. Of course I could be very very wrong here smiley - blush

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