A Conversation for Newcomers' Welcome Page

Newcomers Welcome w/c 11 September 2000

Post 1

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Hello everybody! Come in, make yourselves at home!

Newcomers Welcome w/c 11 September 2000

Post 2


Hmmmm, I think I might start advertising this place in my ACEly duties......
BCNU - Crescent

Newcomers Welcome w/c 11 September 2000

Post 3

T. Earl Grey

Is this the right place? Do I pick up a nametag at the front desk, or what? smiley - winkeye

You want a newbie, you got a newbie. Howdy, folks.

T. Earl Grey

Newcomers Welcome w/c 11 September 2000

Post 4

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Hi! This is the place... there's tea (ironically enough) and cake, and you'll need to put this fish in your ear. smiley - fish

Newcomers Welcome w/c 11 September 2000

Post 5

T. Earl Grey

smiley - fish @) ::putting fish in ear:: Ah, that's much better! Now, was that "Tea & cake or death!" or just an offer of refreshment? smiley - smiley

Newcomers Welcome w/c 11 September 2000

Post 6

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Just an offer of refreshment... it's extremely bad manners to kill the newbies. Especially in their first week. smiley - smiley

Newcomers Welcome w/c 11 September 2000

Post 7

T. Earl Grey

Thanks. You're much more kind than some folks I've met online. Some of them will target you for death for something as silly as forgetting to use a semicolon! smiley - smiley

Newcomers Welcome w/c 11 September 2000

Post 8

The Researcher formally known as Dr St Justin

Where is everyone this week? Has the fuel shortage hit h2g2 as well? smiley - winkeye

Newcomers Welcome w/c 11 September 2000

Post 9

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Hello Justin... this is actually quite a busy week by recent standards! smiley - smiley

Newcomers Welcome w/c 11 September 2000

Post 10


Hi Guys!
I know I left it for a bit late in the week...but I'm here now with a fish in my ear and all.

Newcomers Welcome w/c 11 September 2000

Post 11

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Hello Monster, can I get you anything? Cup of tea? Cake?

Newcomers Welcome w/c 11 September 2000

Post 12


I'd like a cup of tea please, since I only got a piece of cake last time. Does being here 3 weeks still count as a newcomer?

You do seem to go to a lot of trouble for all these newcomers who never show up , don't you?

Newcomers Welcome w/c 11 September 2000

Post 13

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Yes, but if we didn't, then 40,000 newcomers would show up demanding cake and there'd be nobody here for them.
*pours tea for Researcher 151102*
Haven't you thought of a more interesting name yet, R151102?

Newcomers Welcome w/c 11 September 2000

Post 14


A cup of tea would be nice thank you. I'll pass on the cake though, as I just ate lunch.
Is everyone looking forward to the weekend?

Newcomers Welcome w/c 11 September 2000

Post 15

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

Hi guys. smiley - smiley

Not as much as I'm looking forward to Monday, but that's just me smiley - smiley

*pours tea for Monster*

Careful, it's hot.. smiley - smiley

Newcomers Welcome w/c 11 September 2000

Post 16

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Hi Lisa, what's happening on Monday?

Newcomers Welcome w/c 11 September 2000

Post 17

Kheldar (Don't hate the media, Become the media)

People have to get back to work, it's the end of a few days of relaxing, you know smiley - smiley

Hi everybody, just thought I'd stop and drop by. How are we doing?

Newcomers Welcome w/c 11 September 2000

Post 18


Oh look - you lot run this place far better then I do! smiley - smiley

Newcomers Welcome w/c 11 September 2000

Post 19

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

*realises nobody has set up a Welcome thread for this week's newcomers yet*

Newcomers Welcome w/c 11 September 2000

Post 20

Duffy The Cardigan Slayer

Hello all.

I'm new ~flutters eylashes~

This sounds silly but how do you get one of those happy face things?

Where are all the people?

Is there always a time delay of a couple of hours between conversations?

Am I asking too many questions?

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