A Conversation for Goth - a Lifestyle Choice

these r all lies

Post 61


I think Cybergoth's a cool image as my opinion on more or less all Gothic fashions! Not my usual choice as it tends to be leaning more towards futuristic and possible modern fashion ideas and i prefer older goth styles. But the tubing and dreadlocks rock!

I think cybergoths are more generally into parties and clubbing but don't won't about conforming just be you!

mmmm i think the best place to get clothes of any type is charity shops, ebay, etc as it is cheaper and a bit more orignal than just buying all your stuff from the usual Goth shops! Not only are Goth shops overpriced but you see at least 10, 00000 other goths in the same thing when down Camden!

Just buy whatever you like the look of and add imagination and possible the odd spike or two!

If your skillful enough with textiles just get some clothing patterns and buy the fluro fabric!

take care xxx

these r all lies

Post 62

Lord Job Boron. That's Lord Job Boron To You!

You can't go wrong with fishnet tops, though I wouldn't necessarily call studs cyber goth. Glowstick bracelets perhaps(always fun to take apart and write with), www.dracinthebox.co.uk (I think) has some cool cybergoth trousers as do some other clothes shops. Type goth trousers into google.

Also try asking the opinion of people in the www.deadlounge.com forum. (top link on the opening page, about four or five links down from there after clicking the get off button). You have to sign up to use the message boards but everyone there is really cool. They should be, I'm a moderator there!

these r all lies

Post 63


you could always try attaching anything metal to your clothes! lol. Mmmm i don't know the spikes are debatable as the metal ones do tend to be worn more as punk-goth or trad-goth fashion but the glow in the dark and fluro ones are worn sometimes as cybergoth! xxx

these r all lies

Post 64

Lord Job Boron. That's Lord Job Boron To You!

The deadlounge forum also has instructions on how to make some of your own clothes, including fishnet tops.

these r all lies

Post 65


MM is NOT goth

these r all lies

Post 66


Where did it say he was?

these r all lies

Post 67


To origional poster

Please, please, do us all a favor and learn to spell.

these r all lies

Post 68


I consider myself goth, but don't always dress as 'straights' would associate goth. Sometimes I wear my long RAF trenchcoat ala Captain Jack, Torchwood (especially when it's cold lol!) with black baggy jeans, boots black t-shirts, etc. other times I wear blue jeans biker leather jacket, rock band t-shirts or black sweat shirts/hoodies.

I also listen to a variety of music, though I do go mostly for rock/metal. I listen to country, classical, blues, electronica, reggae, the list goes on...

So if that makes me not goth or pretend goth...then so be it! But I am what I am and I don't care! lol!smiley - smiley

these r all lies

Post 69


So called traditional goths, showing predilection for traditional gothic music and bands such as Bauhaus and Sisters of Mercy, don't usually do drugs at all.
The violent (?) and doing drugs goths are usually EBM fans who like darker techno music and their dress code is linked to fetish more than to anything else.

This is obviously a generalisation and those two often intermingle but from my own experience, people listening to The Cure, Clan of Xymox, Siouxsie etc, are unlikely to be keen on doing drugs.

these r all lies

Post 70


I have to say as a 24 yr old and i have been a goth all my life (as parents were goths) that this artical makes us sounds like complete idiots!!!!!!!!
Its not about a statement or standing out from the crowd for me personally i LOVE the clothes and hate all these "trendy" clothes and always have done. I love the music and the atmosphere at festivals. Its not about standing out and being different its my life and what i like to wear and listen to smiley - ok
I am also fed up with people thinking it is to stand out from every one else and i am fed up of people saying im too old to dress like this and shouldnt i have gown up by now. Its not about being rebellious and no im NOT to too old as its not a flamming fashion statement!!!!!!! its life. I will still be wearing these clothes when im old and wrinkly!!!!

About the vilonce this is rubbish. How many papers do you read where its goths that are in fights????? I mean come on open your eyes. I have both gothic friends and "normal" friends and i get along with every one. I like most humans would only get violent if say my daughter was in danger. Im not a violent person and nor are any of my friends or any of the festivals, pubs i have been to is there any violence. You do get idiots come into our pubs on purpose to cause trouble but to be honest no1 gives a toss and they just get ignored. You often find all goths friendly and people miss judge us just because we look different. At the end of the day we are human to we just dress how we want to dress and no one will tell me how to dress just to be liked by people.

When i go to festival or my local rock club it is friendly and everyone is welcome. There is no violence and no drugs. You can talk and dnace with anyone and we all look out for one another...its more like a big family smiley - ok

If people want to know about goths then skip these stupid articles and maybe just for once try talking to one of us!!!!!! Its not about rituals and no we wont bite you we are human beings. Like the phrase goes dont judge a book by its coversmiley - cheerup

And just for all you out there i will not stop dressing this way!!!!!! lol

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