A Conversation for A Short Guide To Testicle Cuffs

A465752 - Testicle Cuffs

Post 21

Salamander the Mugwump

I guessed that was a little joke Huw. The smiley - biggrin was a dead give away. I'm typing this between sniggers so don't imagine I'm having a serious go at anything said here.

"BDSM", whatever that is, may be reason enough for some people Tube, but there seems to be an assumption that all this is self-evident. It isn't. Not everybody who reads this entry will be a sadist or a masochist and they may well be interested to know what reason anyone would have for wearing such a device. The entry seems incomplete without that explanation.

A465752 - Testicle Cuffs

Post 22

Tube - the being being back for the time being

Sure. An explanation's necessary. Just wanted to add my $0.02. smiley - smiley

A465752 - Testicle Cuffs

Post 23

The High Duke of Mars

This conversation is like an automobile accident. I cannot look away. smiley - tongueout

The idea for anything that restricts blood flow to that specific male "feature" is to postpone climax. There is also a device, known as a c**k ring, that restricts blood flow to the primary male organ (Big Jim, not the twins) in order to prolong tumescence.

For some people who finds BDSM erotic I would imagine wearing these devices would be as erotic as translucent underthings, but then again I can also imagine the embarrassment devices worn in the nether regions might provoke at any metal detector. Isn't there an entry on fetishes? This should probably be linked with that.

smiley - smiley


A465752 - Testicle Cuffs

Post 24

The High Duke of Mars

Whoops I forgot, the c**k ring goes around Big Jim, AND the twins, so it serves two purpose. Isn't that nice to know? smiley - smiley

Now how many male readers of this thread are wondering in the back of their minds (I wonder what she would think if I bought one of these ...)

smiley - smiley

I would hate to think that someone might mistake my knowledge for advocacy. Remember what male animals go through when they are taken to a vet to be "fixed" (an odd term that, I always thought a better word would be "broken", I mean, what has been repaired by having your male dachshund's bits nipped?) I digress, that region is not only a source of pleasure but a source of intense, deep, nauseating pain.

Consider this and you'll once again contort with sympathy pains, and your curiosity will no doubt be satisfied without either expense, or humiliation. smiley - smiley


A465752 - Testicle Cuffs

Post 25

Tube - the being being back for the time being

There's not a lot on fetishes from what the search engine tells me. There's http://www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2/guide/A127450 which is about Latex gear and how to care for it. There's also about three-quaters of a paragraph on SM clothing in the Goth entry (http://www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2/guide/A473924) and some links to pics showing BDSM clothing @ http://www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2/guide/A519716 (but that entry's pending moderation once more, but should be up again one of these days). And I should think that there's not a lot forthcoming seeing the rather restrictive policy of h2g2/BBC.
Ah... and as for the style of the entry (this is peer review after all): I think it needs to be moved to a more detached tone and some of the side comments won't make it through editing anyway.
Apart from that it tells us that one can always learn new things... smiley - winkeye

A465752 - Testicle Cuffs

Post 26

Huw (ACE)

Sorry Salamander - I think I forgot to activate my humour chip this morning smiley - winkeye

A465752 - Testicle Cuffs

Post 27

Martin Harper

How about adding "If you can't guess the purpose of this, then you probably don't want to know."? smiley - winkeye

A465752 - Testicle Cuffs

Post 28

Martin Harper

Rather hazily I recall that one of the various nefarious schemes people use with these items is to chain the testicle cuffs to both feet, which forces the wearer to walk on all fours and gives him a fair bit of pain if they do otherwise. Oh - and another one would be to tie a lead to the cuffs, and be able to lead the man around from that area - but literally, as opposed to the metaphorical leading around that happens when people fall deeply in lust... smiley - winkeye

Aren't you glad I remembered that? I'm not... smiley - ill

A465752 - Testicle Cuffs

Post 29

Salamander the Mugwump

That's very likely what most people would feel, but still, this is The Guide and I think the information should be as complete as it can be, within reasonable limits. This entry should be in The Guide (as a warning to parents everywhere smiley - winkeye). Three or four people in this thread have added useful info on the uses of the device. The eds probably have sufficient material here to add the necessary detail (brave souls).

A465752 - Testicle Cuffs

Post 30

Mr. Odie, Man's Best Friend {not quite deceased}

Oh, I've been following this thread with great amusement...

Basically, I only ever wrote this entry because I was taking the mickey out of one of the conversations taking place at the time... It was never intended as a serious guide entry...

However, as you'd like some changes to be made, I would be more than happy to change the entry if you so wish... Just let me know...

Mr. Odie

A465752 - Testicle Cuffs

Post 31

FABT - new venture A815654 Angel spoiler page

So, how do you keep the pink fluffy ones clen? I assume this will at some point be necessary and, just for the sake of complete information gathering you understand, I feel that we should know. Or does this need to be linked the the entry on stain removal?

Evil laugh

Not being male I can read this without wincing

Mr Odie, please take the micky more often. I think we are *all* rather amused, not just you

Cool entry


A465752 - Testicle Cuffs

Post 32


I have several things to say.

All of them are "OW!"

I think I can leave it at that, can't I?

Apart from agreeing that a slightly more detached tone would be better if you're really wanting to get it into the Edited Guide. That and careful consultation of the T&Cs, although it looks fine to me (that I can see it at all argues in its favour of course).

It is the Guide after all, and broadness of knowledge is a Good Thing. However, that doesn't mean that there isn't knowledge we can learn about without wincing in sympathy. I have no pity for anyone who uses these voluntarily.

A465752 - Testicle Cuffs

Post 33

FABT - new venture A815654 Angel spoiler page

keep your eyes peeled during a fire alarm. wouldnt you just love to be able to go up to someone and say 'I know what you've been up to ?!...................'


A465752 - Testicle Cuffs

Post 34


Err... no, not particularly.

A465752 - Testicle Cuffs

Post 35


No, don't understand the question of elliptical vs ellipsoid and whether handcuffs are circular. How about this for really labouring the point....

Elliptical is 'having the shape of an ellipse'. An ellipsoid is 'a three dimensional shape (symmetrical about the three axes) such that each plane is an ellipse or circle'. Note that a circle is just an ellipse in which both terms are equal. Um, I haven't explained that vey well. Let's just say that all circles are ellipses, but all ellipses are not circles.

Now, handcuffs could be described as having an elliptical or circular (if you want to simplify) cross-section, but they cannot be described as being ellipsoid as they aren't symmetrical about the three axes. If you wanted to be really picky, you could describe them as an elliptical prism.

Your testicles, on the other hand, like a football, are roughly ellipsoid. But note that the comment referred to the cuffs, not the testicles themselves.

A465752 - Testicle Cuffs

Post 36

Martin Harper

From the entry: "Basically, testicles are generally elliptical in shape" - this is the sentence which probably ought to be "ellipsoid" technically, though the meaning is clear.

I got confused myself, though... smiley - smiley

A465752 - Testicle Cuffs

Post 37


Ooops, you're right! smiley - blush

A465752 - Testicle Cuffs

Post 38

Salamander the Mugwump

Mr Odie, nice of you to drop in! I would be satisfied with this entry if you would add a (mercifully) brief explanation of why anyone would wish to use this device of torment. Thank you for your kind attention smiley - winkeye

A465752 - Testicle Cuffs

Post 39


As long as it has a suitable warning for anyone liable to experience sympathetic wincing...

* winces *

A465752 - Testicle Cuffs

Post 40


I tend to agree .. its more the conversation than the article itself that holds true interest, but as a gestalt I think it has the makings of a great entry!

Good work everyone!


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