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what is the meaning of life?

Post 1381


Happy Monday Morning????smiley - yawn
Hi Azsmiley - smiley Hi Fnordsmiley - biggrin
Hey everybody...smiley - wow I hope you all had a productive weekend..smiley - tickle...or not.....smiley - zzz

I just read a few posts back regarding "sharing the wealth".
It sounds good on paper....but...Just think, if everyone were allowed to have equal shares of money, food, housing etc., no one would bother to work for these things... why bother getting an education? What would be the point? It would be like what? ....Kinda like the "spoiled little rich kid" syndrome so despised by many....smiley - monster...(or is it jealousy??..... that's another discussion)....

I think the competition in life is good. It gives us goals...
and everyone has different goals in life...some want to achieve the "wealth", some the "fame" others would choose "happiness and peace of mind".....it's relative.....the question is "What is YOUR goal?"

We 'work' for what we want in life....so goes for the average person, the 'middle-class'. The more/harder you work...the better your $$'reward'. You have the potential to earn enough to have nice clothes, a lovely apartment, or even a house (if you saved your money)afford to raise children and send them to college.....smiley - bigeyes..er...well, maybe...or... the little buggers can pay for their own education if they want it that bad!!!!!smiley - nahnah (You can use the same philosophy for raising children....earn your allowance!!!)

The rich 'upper class' became rich by doing just that..(or by being born into it, those B*strds...hee hee) Seriously....Bill Gates was a computer geek, not a rich man way back when.....you know the rest....

Unfortunately the poor, (I don't like the expression 'lower class',or any "class" at all.... it seems to imply something... I'm a human being, not a dozen eggs).

Anyway, if there is a lack of education, be it conventional schooling or learning a trade or skill from the family, then the results can be devastating.
My thought is that if ALL people can be EDUCATED in SOME way, then perhaps(?) all can live, more or less, in somewhat satifactory conditions.

I do agree with you Az, we need to teach the poor communities in countries how to fend for themselves by teaching skills and farming. I know the US & other nations have done this in the past and it works. I believe 'everyone' has a right to an education and should get one......

I do wish the multi-millionaires of the world would cough up some $$$$$$$$$ for the needy. It would be so much easier then for a world without "Poverty" to be a reality. My hope is to someday see that happen. No "starving" humans on the face of the earth...everyone clothed, fed, sheltered and educated.

"Equal" shares for everyone?...I don't know...sounds good...but, I don't think it's realistic.....

Barbsmiley - fairy

what is the meaning of life?

Post 1382


Re: Charity

Perhaps I'm wrong, but I don't think the money that the US gives to "Rebuild" communities that were destroyed by the war is considered "Charity". It is an Obligation the US has to the people of the country. War is not or has ever been against the civilians of any country.


Oh, and please smiley - grovel.....lighten up....
smiley - smiley A smile can brighten up your day....can't it?

what is the meaning of life?

Post 1383


Hi Universe

You lost me on that one...


what is the meaning of life?

Post 1384



What would you do if you were Bill Gates? (A serious question) How would you contribute to the rest of the world?

I know he has donated millions of dollars for computers in schools across the US, and I understand that he is very generous to the charities of his choice.


what is the meaning of life?

Post 1385



It sounds more like a loan than a gift. Get back on your feet and then pay it back. Common practice.


what is the meaning of life?

Post 1386


Hi Az!smiley - smiley

Regarding your post about leftover food that goes to waste. Here in New York we have a program that feeds the needy in shelters, etc.
Uneaten school lunches are sent to them every day. It's a wonderful practice and I'm sure if it is done across country as well.

Some foods are perishable and cannot be shipped to far away places, unfortunately, but canned goods and the like are always collected from one organization or another to provide the needy.

In the world's eye, the US is a "rich" country, but we still have many poor communities and homeless people. Thank God there are organizations that help these people.

Unfortunately, the US cannot feed the entire world. I have read so much on a few of the threads here on HOOTOO that put the US down. It's a great country, yes, but not perfect.

what is the meaning of life?

Post 1387



what is the meaning of life?

Post 1388



what is the meaning of life?

Post 1389


hi Barb, smiley - smiley

Actually, when I was talking about food going to waste I was referring to the milk mountains and the grain mountains that end up being dumped into the sea.

Probably others are now going to tell me this is all myth. But I first read about his more than twenty years ago.

Anyhow . . .


what is the meaning of life?

Post 1390


Hi Jane!

As usual, you said that very well. An education is important and I believe it's the basis of having a productive and meaningful life.
Without Education, your life can be very hard indeed......


what is the meaning of life?

Post 1391


hey nothing...

If you are referring to other humans as "ragheads" ...that's not very nice...smiley - cross

if you mean something else....smiley - huh

and lol right back at ya! smiley - nahnah


what is the meaning of life?

Post 1392

Jane Austin

To anyone at all who wants to listen to me rambling on!!!

Education is the key to everything!!! You don,t have to be a brain surgeon, to be interesting, yet if you are an educated person you are interesting, I know people who are very well educated but who chose to make their living in areas which doesn,t perhaps require the qualifications that they have, simply because they did not want the pressure and stress that such a career would necessitate, also I know many who are self-educated, who never even had the opportunity to prove themselves in the educational system, but who are far more clever and intelligent than many.

Life is the great motivator, personally I never did well in school and was written off as a dumbell!!! yet now I speak 3 languages quite fluently, although with an english accent!! and run my own business with quite reasonable success, my son who is 6, claims to be far better than me because he thinks he can speak 4 languages, as he has recently learned to say "bonjour" in french smiley - winkeye yet the kids are completely bilingual in spanish and english, with a smattering of german, (dad is german, mum is english, we live in spain).

Teaching children languages from a very early age is imperative I think, something that in England is not taken seriously enough, kids have an amazing ability for language learning from the time they are very young, here in Spain, foriegn languages are introduced from the time they are 4 years old, it,s never to early to learn.

Ummm sorry, where were we, oh yes, what,s the meaning of life, told you I would ramble didn,t I!!

smiley - biggrin


what is the meaning of life?

Post 1393

Triple D

No. I think the meaning of life is in fact 2, not 42.
I mean, there's two of everything eh?smiley - biggrin

what is the meaning of life?

Post 1394


Hey tripple D you from Europe?
These other hoopers(hooper: real together guy) seeme to be from America, because this very moment it´s morning in Norway, the clock is....wait let me check................whats this doing here...............ouch..........f<.....>ing............ah pizza..........so all this time my clock lay under the bl<.....>y mathbook!.......Yes it is 11.19.
This theory is basted on barbs talking of a lovely monday morning.
I din´t think it was monday to day.....hm this puzzles me.
Hang on.....I´l check..........where is that damn remote...........ouch!...........ah found it.......It´s thirsday, and barbs reply was 15 hours ago, how can this be. Is barb lying or is he infact an out-of-space-ALIEN.......AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!

But what has this to do with carrots?smiley - erm

what is the meaning of life?

Post 1395


Maby barb is travelling in time!
Brain overheating!

I´m just going to ask the question.
here it goe´s

Hey you Barb, i demand to know what country your from, if your lying, if your an alien and if you in fact do travel in time.
Anyway cheerssmiley - cheers

what is the meaning of life?

Post 1396


Hey tripple D I checked in to your personal space and found out that you live in south africa, wich means that your in the same time spase as me, if not an hour later or an hour earlier!
Cheers to you matesmiley - cheers

what is the meaning of life?

Post 1397

Researcher 237308

THE ANSWER to the Meaning of life:

I found the answer to that question,

I lived with Alcoholics and wankers from the Age of 12
Looked after my drunken Mother and little brother until fifteen
Got a job fulltime at fifteen, left it to escape the social deprivation all around me.
Joined the Army at sixteen, went to N.Ireland at eighteen
Watched good friends die, worked in the most opressive agressive environment imaginable, got marrried at Nineteen to a woman with two step children. Got knee injury in ireland caused by malicious commanders went to belfast Military hospital, two days after leaving it the IRA blew it up!
Left Ireland.
Went to Cyprus and posted for 6 months to the island of South Georgia near the Falkland Islands at 20, whilst there I received a bad spinal injury, was not helped and had to work with the injury carrying 100 pound Bergens, rucksacks to you, made my back worse, worked for fiv emonths in agony. Went back to Cyprus where we were stationed, eventualy had an operation to remove lower disk in spine, straight back to work where it got worse, had several mates kill a female tourist in Cyprus and bury her alive, they are doing life for murder.

Got booted from the Army cause my back at 23, went to live in Scotland in the Highlands, ended up on a seriously rough concill estate, my kids were terrorised for being english, threatened to be stabbed and had their noses broke, I fought the Mad crazy familly who terrorised an entire rural village, ended up in court numerous times, hit the drink to ease the pain, finaly moved away after they had broke into my home for the third time, I owned a gun, the familly came to my house to beat me up, I could have shot them, but instead fought them with a baseball bat, beat the two of them who were actualy convicted armed robbers. More court time, got in serious debt to get a mortgage moved away. Tried to find the meaning of life, went climbing, became the most succesful climber of my generation if five years, pushed myself to the edge of existence faced fear and death full on, quit climbing cause fame noterity and attention is what we dont need, decided to write a book, discovered than the meaning of life is to be free, to feel to touch to think unencumbered by Socieities corrupt and irrelevant morals, to be loved, understood, happy, and compltely free emotionaly, therein is the meaning of our life! To be human beings and creatures with love and understanding in our lives is our purpose.

what is the meaning of life?

Post 1398

Triple D

maybe. sounds too complicated. I'm sticking with 2.smiley - biggrin

what is the meaning of life?

Post 1399


Laban9! Good Morning...It's Tuesday Morning here 9:45AM right now...yup...I'm at work...my co-workers agree......

however....I may be an alien...don't know....let me check.....oops!.....ah...don't feel any antennas here....hmmm...

i LOVE carrots! Blueberries anyone?

Barb...smiley - fairy or is it smiley - aliensmile

what is the meaning of life?

Post 1400


smiley - fairy from New York

who has been known to be quite strange at times.........
getting up in the middle of the night to do laundry....smiley - weird
brain overheating...hmmmm...no, don't think so....but it is simmering.....i always travel through time, doing it right now, yup....and i NEVER lie.....ummmm....wellmaybejustalittlesometimesbutnotreallyanythingbigyaknowlikealittlewhitelieoryellowmaybeyouknowlikeimnotreallyanalienbutimightbeyouneverknow.....smiley - magic

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