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acoustic guitar music

Post 1


Hi, i was wondering if anyone knows of any really good acoustic guitar music (to listen to, not play) that is available in shops. I don't play guitar myself but i have an 'agreement' with a friend to find her some good acoustic guitar mus. for christmas, without voice.

acoustic guitar music

Post 2


I don't listen to much acoustic guitar music myself, but... what about Tommy Emmanuel? I've got a couple of his albums and his arrangements are really cool.

acoustic guitar music

Post 3


Try someone such as Bob Dylan, James Taylor or even Eric Clapton - they do someone good songs and compostions.smiley - ok

acoustic guitar music

Post 4


If without voice is the most important thing, look hard for Red Sparrowes or Pelican. They use electric guitar, bass and drum instrumentation.

acoustic guitar music

Post 5


i don't know whether you can buy it in the shops, but if you're looking for any acoustic guitar music, look at some Martin Simpson or Brooks Williams- they're both available on i-tunes and e-music i think. They are both amazing guitarists and songwriters. smiley - goodluck

acoustic guitar music

Post 6


OOoooOOOoo i love to listen to these:


just go through all of them...very interesting and pure talent.

~swiggleE smiley - biggrin

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