A Conversation for Talking Point: Vanity and the Knife

Plastic surgery is just like any other addiction...

Post 1

Cheezdanish, Slacker Princess

...People feel the need to do it for social acceptance, to feel better about their lives, because it feels good, because it feels bad, because they're bored.

Plastic surgery is so common out here in LA, the doctors put out ads, each claiming to be the one with the cheapest rates and best reccomendations. (Although if you go to a doctor because he's cheap, not because he's GOOD, well...) I know 17 year old girls who have had some sort of work done. Most of the women in the show biz who are not big (ie: extras) have fake boobs. Most of the men have had butt jobs of all things. Liposuction is advertised the same way that fast food hamburgers are. (Wanna lose those unsightly inches? Then come on down McLipos. Over 14 thousand satisfied customers.)

Plastic surgery is just like any other addiction...

Post 2

Classic Krissy

If you want to know why I did it... you can go to the part I wrote called "I see a lot of arrogance".

People do it for other reasons. I'm tired of being judged, and no matter how you try to catagorize different people, you don't know their lives.

This subject just makes me break out in hives.. it really does.

Plastic surgery is just like any other addiction...

Post 3

Phryne- 'Best Suppurating Actress'

...except when it's not an addiction, of course.
It can be abused. It can also be used properly, as it should be.
Besides, it does not involve the absorption of toxic foreign substances which alter the body, causing physical addiction. Compulsive surgery is completely different, a psychological compulsion. If 'twere someone who was constantly washing their shoes or counting doorknobs, for instance, they wouldn't be said to have an 'addiction'.

(btw. nice one, Krissy.)

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