A Conversation for Talking Point: Vanity and the Knife

Take it or leave it

Post 1


I think that plastic surgery just to make yourself look, as what this day and age calls it "Beautiful" then your an idiot. Unless you were born with a severe deformity, burned severly, injured severly, or need it too stay alive its not needed. Too many people make the mistake about worrying about their outer beauty rather than what matters inside (what God judges). Also there have been a couple of incedents where the recipient of plastic surgery has came out worse looking than they already were.

Take it or leave it

Post 2


I think, plastik surgery is only to spend money on the wind, at all.Because we are indiviodulaeas,,and we don know,,how are we beuatiful!!!!!!thank's got,,,we are the peolple,,and we can movie, we can say ,,,,and I think, you shoul have the Head on your shoulders and do not speans money on the botex,,or whatever!!!thank you!!

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