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5 May, 2006: Surveys on h2g2

Post 1


Rant - ignore.

F77636?thread=2899393 - as usual thread closed ("don't you bloody bother us!!!") so I'll just post here:
"We're pleased to be able to say that this survey should also be open to our non-UK Researchers"
So do they have different surveys going on at the same time? I've just had one, and when I told I was in 'Europe, elsewhere' I was told that 'Unfortunately, on this occasion we are only looking for UK users opinions only' - thank you very much, blind end. Didn't even get a link back to h2g2! smiley - erm Should I be surprised? I'm not.

Maybe they just didn't want me to answer: No, I would NOT recommend this site to anyone. No no no!!

5 May, 2006: Surveys on h2g2

Post 2

Sad, Mad or Bad? - I always wanted to be a dino, but alas, I'm just old.

Yay. I can see h2g2 is continuing it's stellar relationship with its researchers. smiley - erm

5 May, 2006: Surveys on h2g2

Post 3


Yes, I was a little irritated that I didn't even get a link back to h2. I'll just click on "no" from now on.

5 May, 2006: Surveys on h2g2

Post 4

Lady Scott

You wouldn't recommend the site itself, but you *would* recommend the No No No thread? smiley - ok

(I haven't had the survey either. Which doesn't surprise me, since it's a UK site, geared towards UKers, with everything UK centric, and filled with UK opinion, UK spellings, and governed by a UK profanity filter, so why should they value the input of non-UK users and researchers, even though they're very happy to use what we produce here? smiley - tongueout Yep, it's the Guide to Life, the Universe, and Everything - just so long as it's from a UK point of view. smiley - rolleyes)

5 May, 2006: Surveys on h2g2

Post 5

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit hitting the (same) survey since November
"I use an open-new-window to start it smiley - erm

< > if you want to do the Survey smiley - magic "

5 May, 2006: Surveys on h2g2

Post 6


It's the Guide to Life, the Universe, and Everything? Where?? There must be something here that I haven't seen! smiley - smiley

I'm not surprised at all that they wont let us take the survey. Call me stupid, but I *am* surprised that they make an announcement saying that there'll be one being open to us if there isn't.

I was going to post a link to the survey, but I see that while I'm writing this Tit has already done it. smiley - ok (Psst! It's no problem pretending to be in UK, but of course we wouldn't want to do that. smiley - angel)
"Before you begin, you need to make sure that your browser is maximised (i.e. that it covers your whole screen). If necessary, you can do this by clicking the maximise button in the top, right-hand corner of your browser."
Guess what? I do NOT have a maximise button in the top, right-hand corner of any of my browsers (not even IE). Morons!

smiley - smiley

5 May, 2006: Surveys on h2g2

Post 7


Silly browser. smiley - tongueout

5 May, 2006: Surveys on h2g2

Post 8

Sad, Mad or Bad? - I always wanted to be a dino, but alas, I'm just old.

Why does it have to be maximised?

5 May, 2006: Surveys on h2g2

Post 9


So they can reject your opinion in the largest space available.

smiley - nahnah

5 May, 2006: Surveys on h2g2

Post 10

Sad, Mad or Bad? - I always wanted to be a dino, but alas, I'm just old.

smiley - erm

Yeah, I guess. Bleh.

5 May, 2006: Surveys on h2g2

Post 11

Yael Smith

If you're in Israel, the buttons would be on the left side of the screen, for obvious reasons.smiley - erm
I don't get the survey, either, and I AM in the UK.

5 May, 2006: Surveys on h2g2

Post 12

Shea the Sarcastic

They must know that you weren't born there, so of course your opinion doesn't count. smiley - tongueout

5 May, 2006: Surveys on h2g2

Post 13

Yael Smith

smiley - laugh Prejudice all the way, eh?
Well, at least my babies love me...

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