A Conversation for Church Tales: Part One

History of synagogues in the UK?

Post 1

Deputy Assistant Chief Cook and Bottlewasher

I wonder if anyone has written a history of synagogues in the UK? Compared to churches the oldest ones are quite recent. Jewish settlement in Britain was prohibited from the Middle Ages until 1656, when Cromwell allowed the Jews to return. There are a number of exhibitions and events this year marking 350 years of Jewish settlement. The Sephardi synagogue in Bevis Marks in Bishopsgate in the City of London is the oldest in Britain, dating from 1701, and is still in use. Another much later but fascinating synagogue (now disused) is to be found at 19 Princelet Street, near Brick Lane, once the home of refugee Huguenot silk workers and now a museum of migration.

History of synagogues in the UK?

Post 2

The H2G2 Editors

This sounds fascinating. I remember listening to The Robert Elms Radio show (BBC London 94.9 I think...) and he was talking about synagogues and he mentioned the one from 1701. I also wonder about other old synagogues around the country. And Ireland too. I did a quick Google search and apparently, on the International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies - Cemetery Project website, there's reference to a synagogue dating from 1660!

smiley - ok

History of synagogues in the UK?

Post 3


Thank you for that link.I have been trying to find someone I could contact about the tiny jewish cemetery on the Isle of Sheppey.To get the keys to see the place was a nightmare, when I finally got into the place I was up to my armpits in stinging nettles and rubbish.The majority of the locals do not even know it exists.I only visit the island once a year I am hoping that on my next visit I can do something about the state of it.

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