A Conversation for The h2g2 Shop (Closed Until Further Notice)

americans and merchandise

Post 1

Ear Parcel

sure, america is the laughing stock of the universe right now, but don't we deserve access to h2g2 merchandise?

americans and merchandise

Post 2

Lizard Prince- A437203 Owner, Muse, H2G2GAs, Prince of Lizards, Carrier of Black Towels

We might not be able to count, but we deserve to be able to get H2G2 merchandise

americans and merchandise

Post 3


We'll have to take a vote on it. We'll get back to you in a month or two, mabe three if there are any recounts.

americans and merchandise

Post 4


I'm English and was just wondering quite why you Americans should be allowed civil liberties after the farce that was your presidential election.

americans and merchandise

Post 5

Researcher 165970

Hey English, You said it your self, we are americans, We think we can do anything!

americans and merchandise

Post 6

Researcher 165970

OK, anything but capitalize our country, in punctuation or merchandise.

americans and merchandise

Post 7


I think you do. and so do we, eyery other inhabitant of this miserably unimportant piece of stone in our universe...

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