A Conversation for The h2g2 Shop (Closed Until Further Notice)


Post 1


Hey, yeah, like dude, are there h2g2 towels?
Cuz, like, if there are any, I'd like to get one?
Perhaps, like, laced with vitamins so I can suck on it? smiley - drunk


Post 2


I remember reading somewhere, on the back of one of the hitchhiker books, I think, that there actually WAS an official H2G2 towel made some years back... I don't know where you can get one, though.


Post 3

Researcher 167006

Some German has probably got it!!!!!


Post 4

Tube - the being being back for the time being

There is a HHGTTG Towel. White and bright red letters reading "Don't Panic!" (surprisingly enough...)
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