A Conversation for Editorial Feedback

How many kinds of documents

Post 1

Terwal Oni

I have been perusing h2g2 for over a week now and wondered how many different types of documents are there on the site. smiley - spacesmiley - spaceWhat I mean is some start with U, A, C, M etc, and some are like 'info' or 'test341324'. smiley - spacesmiley - spaceIs there a list of document types, like sections in library?

How many kinds of documents

Post 2

Mu Beta

OK, here goes:

smiley - popcorn A-pages: Are entries, edited or unedited.
smiley - popcorn U-pages: Are individuals' user spaces. Each U-page also has an A-page 'copy'.
smiley - popcorn F-pages: Forum threads.
smiley - popcorn <./>NamedEntries</.> - There are a few of these, including 'info', 'The Post', 'askh2g2', this page and so on. smiley - winkeye
smiley - popcorn C-pages: These show the categories and sub-categories that Edited Entries are divided into.
smiley - popcorn T-pages: A generic name for showing a particular thread (or conversation). I think; don't quote me on this one.
smiley - popcorn MP-pages (stands for More Postings, I think): Shows conversation history for a particular U number. Jim Lynn gets annoyed if we use this a lot because it gulps up his server's bandwidth.
smiley - popcorn'test' pages (where 'test' takes the place of 'A' in an A-page): shows the GuideML code for an A-page
smiley - popcorn'testuserpage' pages (where 'testuserpage' takes the place of 'U' in a U-page): shows the GuideML code for a U-page (useful for finding out how your smart-arse friends have done all those fancy bouncing sheep effects).

Phew! Those are all the ones I know. I'm sure that some cleverdick will come up with a few more, and I bet there's a couple that only the people in charge know about.

By the by, this page should strictly be used for pointing out errors in Edited Entries, but we'll let you off just this once.


How many kinds of documents

Post 3

Zak T Duck

B numbers- Images on site, commonly known as blobs.

RF numbers - Review forums such as PeerReview and Writing-Workshop

P numbers - A legacy from days of yore (<./>versions-llama</.>, it's actually identical to the A numbers

How many kinds of documents

Post 4

Zak T Duck

B numbers- Images on site, commonly known as blobs.

RF numbers - Review forums such as PeerReview and Writing-Workshop

P numbers - A legacy from Days of Yore (sometime around Llama I gather). It's actually identical to the A numbers which is probably why it's no longer used. Still works tho.

Then there's FFM and FFT which are used for fora and threads in Frames view. It just contains the same stuff that is on the F and T number pages

There's probably some I've missed out too, maybe Jim could enlighten us all, maybe along with some tales from Days of Yore smiley - winkeye

How many kinds of documents

Post 5

Mu Beta

Of course, if you were really a cleverdick, you wouldn't doublepost. smiley - nahnah


How many kinds of documents

Post 6

Zak T Duck

Indeed smiley - tongueout

Then again, accidents do happen

How many kinds of documents

Post 7

Smij - Formerly Jimster

And we can also wait to see how long it takes people to realise that blobs are being phased out...

Tum te tum....

How many kinds of documents

Post 8

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

smiley - huh

How many kinds of documents

Post 9

Zak T Duck

Oh the all singing all dancing replacement that's been on the cards for abolutely ages. I'll await the announcement for that one smiley - winkeye

How many kinds of documents

Post 10


Well you won't have very long to wait... smiley - smiley


How many kinds of documents

Post 11

Zak T Duck

*Patently waits for the "official announcement", either on site or on the guru's group*

How many kinds of documents

Post 12

Zak T Duck

*Gets bored waiting and examines the GuideML from the photo competition winners page*
smiley - eureka

How many kinds of documents

Post 13

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

They are enjoying toying with us.

It is wicked, wicked I say!

How many kinds of documents

Post 14


**follows Croz**

smiley - run


Just so the staff don't have to bother turning stuff into blobs I presume smiley - tongueout

How many kinds of documents

Post 15

Zak T Duck

More tags to memorise! Yay!

How many kinds of documents

Post 16

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Some of the 'veteran' Researchers around these parts still haven't learnt how annoying it is to mention a Hootoo page without presenting everyone else with a link smiley - cross

How many kinds of documents

Post 17

Zak T Duck

where are my manners? smiley - sorry

A2810125 Hitchhiker's movie competition winners
<./>test2810125</.> for the page source. Pay close attention to the tag as there's a few changes to it.

How many kinds of documents

Post 18

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

smiley - oksmiley - ta

So, is it simply a change of tag or is there more to it than that?

How many kinds of documents

Post 19

Zak T Duck

Not too sure, which is why I'm waiting for an "Official Announcement" so I can enquire further. I'm curious as to how they get round the problem of requiring two copies of the picture (antialiased for light and dark skins) with the named pictures system.

How many kinds of documents

Post 20

Smij - Formerly Jimster

It's frighteningly easy - and all will be revealed with Monday's Front Page.

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