A Conversation for Editorial Feedback
EF: A16442868 Rosemary's Baby, the Film
Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor Started conversation Apr 29, 2023
This information is incorrect:
>>Tragically, Polanski's pregnant wife Sharon Tate was murdered at the apartment building (The Dakota, though it is known as The Bramford in the film) by Charles Manson and his followers in their 1969 'Helter Skelter' killing spree.<<
While John Lennon WAS murdered while living at The Dakota, the Manson murders took place in California.
Could you remove references to the Tate murder? They aren't relevant to this movie at all.
Perhaps replace that whole paragraph with:
Exteriors of the apartment building known as the Bramford in the film actually show The Dakota, a historic building near New York's Central Park. John Lennon was killed there, shot by a deranged 'fan' in the building's entrance in 1980. Other famous occupants of The Dakota include Judy Garland and Lauren Bacall.
The Dakota also plays a significant role in the classic time-travel novel Time and Again by Jack Finney.
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EF: A16442868 Rosemary's Baby, the Film
Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor Posted May 4, 2023
That photo look ok to me!
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EF: A16442868 Rosemary's Baby, the Film
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