A Conversation for Editorial Feedback

How many kinds of documents

Post 21

Zak T Duck

You mean we've got to wait some more? Aww smiley - cross

How many kinds of documents

Post 22

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Don't you just hate it when he does that smiley - cross

How many kinds of documents

Post 23

Zak T Duck



How many kinds of documents

Post 24

Mu Beta

Very subtle. smiley - winkeye


How many kinds of documents

Post 25

Zak T Duck

>It's frighteningly easy - and all will be revealed with Monday's Front Page.

*Looks at front page*

Oh I see what you've done in order to get round the 2 pics problem. You save the GIFs as JPEGs, so they lose their transparent background and become really crummy in quality. Smart move. smiley - winkeye

How many kinds of documents

Post 26

Mu Beta

smiley - biggrin

I'm sure Jim has his reasons.

smiley - erm

Not sure what they are though.


How many kinds of documents

Post 27

Zak T Duck

Well it certainly can't be due to the LZW algorithm used in GIF, the final patents for that ran out last month smiley - winkeye

How many kinds of documents

Post 28

Smij - Formerly Jimster

Er, no, it's just that by turning the front page graphics to rectangular, we halve the workload associated with that particular task. The fact that it's a jpeg is just because you can get a better quality of pic at a lower filesize.

How many kinds of documents

Post 29

Zak T Duck

Ah! smiley - ta for clearing this up smiley - cheers

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