Terwal Oni

spacespacespacespacespacespacespacespacespacespacespacespaceBorn, year of the water snake.

ambition:spacespacespaceTo be an artist who gets paid.
spacespacespacespacespacespacespacespacespacespacespacespacespaceTo be high king of the galaxy.
spacespacespacespacespacespacespacespacespacespacespacespacespaceTo develop a data compresson algorithm that reduces the size of a computer file a million fold, with no loss of data, in order to become a trillionair and hence become high king of the galaxy.

education:spacespacespaceO.U. credits T101, M101
spacespacespacespacespacespacespacespacespacespacespacespacespacespaceHND Computer Aided Draughting and Design

greatest accomplishment so far: spacespaceBEING HAPPY!

Hendrix: spacespacespacespaceThis land is full of cheer.

Walter: spacespacespacespacespaceIt takes all sorts to fart a tune.

BBC7:spacespacespacespacespacespaceThings look diferent when you are on heroin.

Walter:spacespacespacespaceYe canni play the banjo wa' yer bum.


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Terwal Oni

Researcher U767175

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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