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always remember me on this computer..

Post 1

Emmily ~ Roses are red, Peas are green, My face is a laugh, But yours is a scream

when i registered..i pressed..'always remember me on this computer'..my son has registered via a friends computer..when i press logout to let him log on..'preferences' still has my details & it keeps going back to my name..oh and..don't know if it makes any difference..i'm not on via pc..
will it be ok to delete my details & enter his?..i don't want to risk loosing my details..
..smiley - zen..

always remember me on this computer..

Post 2

Jim Lynn

It sounds like your computer or your ISP is caching the preferences page.

Go to <./>Login</.> and enter your son's login details, and you should be taken to your son's personal space.

always remember me on this computer..

Post 3

Emmily ~ Roses are red, Peas are green, My face is a laugh, But yours is a scream

already tried that..smiley - smiley..reverted back to my name..

..smiley - zen..

always remember me on this computer..

Post 4


Is he filling the boxes in himself? He's not letting IE fill them in for him?

always remember me on this computer..

Post 5


Hmmm... which ISP and web browser are you using? Try pressing the refresh button in your browser to refetch the page. If none of that works, delete all of your browser's "cookie" files (if I know your browser I'll tell you how to do it) to stop the Autologin.

always remember me on this computer..

Post 6

Emmily ~ Roses are red, Peas are green, My face is a laugh, But yours is a scream

sorry mate..that's all double-dutch to me..smiley - smiley..i don't know what ISP is..i have no browser or refresh..&..the only cookie i know of is the kind you eat..smiley - laugh..i'm not taking the micky out of you..i appriciate you trying to help..i'm not on here via pc..i occassional access to pc..but..very..very basic pc knowledge..smiley - doh..
i have 2 hrs on pc tomorrow..(friday)..if this is easy to do..erm..could you explain it in an 'idiot proof' way..smiley - blush..

..smiley - zen..

always remember me on this computer..

Post 7

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

Being on another computer will not help because the login cookie - the file that 'remembers you' is local to each machine. This information is entirely separate from the setting in your preferences, which you should leave alone.

I think your only way forward is to logout (using the orange button) and then switch off your machine. However, by doing this your machine will forget your id and password (but your nickname and other details in your Preferences are held in the h2g2 database so nothing there will change).

Then start again from the front page of h2g2, taking the link to the login page. Your son should then be able to login on your webtv but you may not want him to tick the 'remember me' box.

If you are going to want to change logins quite often, I suggest neither of you ever ticks the 'remember me' box so that the cookies never get saved into the memory of your machine.

Make sure you both have a written note of your bbc ids and passwords. Your bbc id may not be the same as your nickname on h2g2 - have a think about this before following the instructions above.

smiley - smiley

Amy the Ant

always remember me on this computer..

Post 8

Emmily ~ Roses are red, Peas are green, My face is a laugh, But yours is a scream

thanks amy..smiley - smiley..i just tried that..&..'click here if this is not you'..& switched off..didn't work..i've thought of 1 more thing to try..(my fingers are crossed..smiley - laugh..)..

..smiley - zen..

always remember me on this computer..

Post 9

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

The webtv boxes appear not to be handling the cookies correctly at the logout stage. Can aka shed any light on this? Does his webtv page A700200 offer any clues?

always remember me on this computer..

Post 10

Emmily ~ Roses are red, Peas are green, My face is a laugh, But yours is a scream

thanks..i've explained the problem there..(fingers crossed..smiley - smiley..

..smiley - zen..

always remember me on this computer..

Post 11

Jim Lynn

Well, regardless of logout working, logging in as another person will automatically remove the old cookie, so that part of the process should work properly. If not, their cookie handling really *is* broken.

always remember me on this computer..

Post 12

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

From Post 1 it looks as if this is indeed the problem.

(Link so that Emmily can see posts 14 to 20 when the time comes: F47996?thread=176878&skip=10&show=10 smiley - smiley )

always remember me on this computer..

Post 13

Emmily ~ Roses are red, Peas are green, My face is a laugh, But yours is a scream

thanks..smiley - smiley..i've used the link sooner..rather than later..re-'using the internet via tv..i'm no longer able to access that thread..i'll be on via pc 5-7pm..i'll access it then..smiley - smiley..

..smiley - zen..

always remember me on this computer..

Post 14

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

*takes Jim firmly by the hand and drags him across to another thread*

162?thread=16277255" >F48887?thread=177255&latest=1

always remember me on this computer..

Post 15

Emmily ~ Roses are red, Peas are green, My face is a laugh, But yours is a scream

amy..i can read..but not reply to other thread..(posts up to number 33 last time i visited)if i press your 2nd like..i got back to posts 11-20..and can't get to 21..

dectective is confusing the issue..he's talking about webtv..which is totally different from what i've been explaining most of the day..

i've accidently preesed unsubscribe on other thread..don't really know what that means..i assume i'll get it back on my space next time i submit a post to it..

the email you said to send myself..which i did..has attachment file..my email unable to open attachment file..

this is getting a bit stressful..smiley - laugh..gonna give it a rest for a while..i need a..smiley - stiffdrink..&..you deserve a..smiley - stiffdrink..smiley - laugh..

..smiley - zen..

always remember me on this computer..

Post 16


you have lost me lol...tell alex he will have to use library pc lol...we will have to sort my pc with your pc and u go on internet...

always remember me on this computer..

Post 17

Emmily ~ Roses are red, Peas are green, My face is a laugh, But yours is a scream

i shouldn't be able to do this..smiley - laugh..technology calling me a liar again..smiley - laugh..maria..this is not the thread i was telling u about..i've accidently unsubscibble myself from that..so it's not on my space..my brother thinks it's my monitor..if i can get it working again..getting a modemn & going onnet maybe the incentive i need to stop smoking..(hey..loook at them pigs flying..lmao..)..

..smiley - zen..

always remember me on this computer..

Post 18

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

The link I gave was F48887?thread=177255&skip=10&show=10 which will show posts 11 to 20. Whereas F48887?thread=177255&skip=10&show=15 will show 11 to 25. But none of that is any good if you can't get to the links in the first place. Although you could visit a Guru (like me) and leave a request in their message space to set up a series of links for you in conversations your really want to follow. But please don't join the Haiku challenge smiley - grovelsmiley - winkeye.

I think Detective Armani's problem has a similar cause to your problem. smiley - erm I thought you were using some form of webtv. What are you using then?

You are right about the unsubscribe. You will get the thread back next time you post.

You definitely deserve a smiley - stiffdrinksmiley - laugh.

always remember me on this computer..

Post 19

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

Detective Armani, you'll be interested to read aka's take on the problem. F84558?thread=177374

always remember me on this computer..

Post 20


Can I draw your attention to F48887?thread=177255&latest=1#p1927490. smiley - smiley


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