A Conversation for Technical Feedback

always remember me on this computer..

Post 21

Detective Armani

Erm, posting again at the risk of unintentionally confusing you again, but i am actually a she, not a he. I`m using the same system as you emmily and therefore have the same problems. Problems or not though, i`m glad i`m here.smiley - biggrin

always remember me on this computer..

Post 22

Emmily ~ Roses are red, Peas are green, My face is a laugh, But yours is a scream

detective..ooopps..smiley - smiley..hadn't tried to acccess this post before i asked male/female question..i confess..i was sexist assuming you were a male..smiley - laugh..
i was pretty stressed that day..trying to explain 'things' without knowing or understanding technical jargon..smiley - doh..

smiley - rose

always remember me on this computer..

Post 23

Detective Armani

Don`t worry about it. It can get very frustrating. I`m beginning to get a good grasp on things now though.

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