This is the Message Centre for Emily 'Twa Bui' Ultramarine

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Post 441

Saint Patrick Patron Saint of Depression: Here to haunt your dreams and stalk your waking hours

Ok what happened I had my hand on Emily's butt now we are limbo dancing. Why?

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Post 442

Martin Harper

Emily: if you *do* like the bikini - feel free to vote for me... ;-) {}

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Post 443

Saint Patrick Patron Saint of Depression: Here to haunt your dreams and stalk your waking hours


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Post 444

Saint Patrick Patron Saint of Depression: Here to haunt your dreams and stalk your waking hours

Lucinda I have seen the contest and am unsure whether to vote or not.

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Post 445

Martin Harper

Do whatever's in your heart... or some other new age saying... smiley - winkeye

The orgy's died down. Anyone for a cigar? smiley - biggrin

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Post 446

Saint Patrick Patron Saint of Depression: Here to haunt your dreams and stalk your waking hours

No don't smoke and never will after what it did to both my grandfathers. Anyway I hoped we might be able to pick it up a bit, any ideas?

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Post 447

Jim Plates (who is not Mr Tumnus)

Wow! The orgy goes on - this is enormous!
Not many new people though.

Ho Hum!


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Post 448

Emily 'Twa Bui' Ultramarine

I don't know; it's not really so much an orgy as a small gathering of bored people deliberating over whether to play naked Twister or not.

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Post 449

Martin Harper

it's hampered really, by the lack of real-life orgies attended to get tips and tricks from...

... at least in my case. smiley - winkeye

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Post 450

Emily 'Twa Bui' Ultramarine

And I...

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Post 451

Saint Patrick Patron Saint of Depression: Here to haunt your dreams and stalk your waking hours


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Post 452

simply scruff singing a rainbow


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Post 453

Saint Patrick Patron Saint of Depression: Here to haunt your dreams and stalk your waking hours

sigh well we have to do something suggestions anyone?

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Post 454

simply scruff singing a rainbow

truth or dare? *hids before someone punches her*

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Post 455

Martin Harper

Do we all look so violent? smiley - winkeye

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Post 456

Saint Patrick Patron Saint of Depression: Here to haunt your dreams and stalk your waking hours

Don't think so but it could be to do with the leather masks I placed on everyone.

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Post 457

simply scruff singing a rainbow

no it's just my past experiences of suggesting truth or dare have led to violence or at least having water tipped on my good self.

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Post 458

Saint Patrick Patron Saint of Depression: Here to haunt your dreams and stalk your waking hours

Can't remember if I told you or not, but I have never played, and seeing as this is virtual, what harm can happen?

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Post 459

Martin Harper

I dunno...

Truth or Dare, Patrick... smiley - winkeye

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Post 460

Mr. Odie, Man's Best Friend {not quite deceased}

I'm back! And I'm bad (obviously within certain sensible preset parameters)...

Truth or Dare sounds fine to me... Has anything interesting occurred in my absence?

Mr. Odie x

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