A Conversation for CHOPPERS: The H2G2 Guild Of Superheros

Hero's Conversation.

Post 1

Garius Lupus

This is the place to tell everyone where to fish a villian, if you need saving from being fished and how valiantly you have been fighting. It is also the place to have a cool drink and rest between battles.

*Sips his drink and rests.*

Hero's Conversation.

Post 2

Garius Lupus

*walks back in after visiting the old forum and directing everyone here.*

You know, Affy is right. We should come out in support of The Celery for h2g2 President. What does everyone think? Affy and I are for The Celery. How many others? If we have a majority, we can ask Uncle Heavy to put a campaign button on the CHOPPERS page and CHOPPERS will be listed on The Celery's Campaign page as a supporting organization. This would be good publicity for CHOPPERS and may bring in new members. The Celery has a good chance of winning, and I am sure he would thank all supporting organization in his victory speech - again, good publicity. Even if he doesn't win, lots of people will visit the campaign headquartes and see the CHOPPERS name. Anyway, he is the best candidate and endorsing his campaign would be good for our business.

Let's decide.

Hero's Conversation.

Post 3

Uncle Heavy [sic]

Well. This celery chap. Is he the only candidate, who are the others, what does he want to do, how do we vote?

Bio Updates Soon

Hero's Conversation.

Post 4

Darth Noire


Hero's Conversation.

Post 5

Garius Lupus

Okay, the election home page is here:


There are lots of candidates, but so far, almost all of them have been shown to have shady backgrounds in the Scandal & Rumours thread - there's a link to that on the elections page. The Celery is the only candidate that is clean. He is upright and stands up for the rights of the downtrodden - perfect for our support. His camaign headquarters is here:


You can read about the election in the h2g2 post here: http://www.h2g2.com/U54963

Hero's Conversation.

Post 6


I appear to be slightly behind on all this, but I'm still here, just...

Hero's Conversation.

Post 7

Garius Lupus

So, has everyone checked out the election stuff? Can we endorse the Celery campaign?

Hero's Conversation.

Post 8

Uncle Heavy [sic]

Weeelll, the celery looks a bit dull. Personally, I like Eomanda and Al. They seem better. And frankly, I prefer Star Wars to monocotyledenous vegitables. No offence. Still, I could be persuaded, if the celerywas to show some sort of personality. We need a vote among heros.
How do we vote at the election?

Hero's Conversation.

Post 9

Little Bo Peep - I've lost my sheep

The Celery dull? Have you read the Scandals thread - he is the centre of all the action. None of the other candidates seem to be doing anything, but the Celery is very active. Check it out.

I think on the main election page, there is something about voting. It doesn't happen until August, though.

Hero's Conversation.

Post 10

Garius Lupus

Thank you, EC! smiley - smiley

You're right. The Celery is very active. And he has a big organization, too. I think you will find that the Celery is very polished and very noble. But some of his campaign workers, notably Pierrot, his spokesbird, can be quite acerbic, which spices up the campaign considerably. Like EC, I urge you to read the scandals threads - they are a laugh.

Hero's Conversation.

Post 11

Uncle Heavy [sic]

OK. where are the scandal threads?

Hero's Conversation.

Post 12

Garius Lupus

There is a link to them off of the main presidential campaign thread - I think I gave the url up there *points back up the thread*. Have fun reading them - they are alot of laughs. smiley - smiley

Hero's Conversation.

Post 13

Little Bo Peep - I've lost my sheep

Laughing at the scandals? You take this lightly? I'd better make a note of that.

*Skitters away*

Hero's Conversation.

Post 14

Garius Lupus

Yes, it is laughable how the other candidates try to wiggle out of their misdeeds.

Hero's Conversation.

Post 15

Black Swan

We regret to have to post this, but we are resigning from our Superhero duties for the moment. An explanation exists here, in Gavroche's Super Battle Forum: http://www.h2g2.com/F20502?thread=62325&post=482024 While our voice shouldn't matter thusly in choosing an endorsement, the only good celery, in our opinion, is a celery smothered in peanut butter. If Celery smothers himself in peanut butter, we might vote for him. Of course, we're told he's an upright candidate...and we're sure that would make the scandal sheets. Black Swan & Gavroche, ACE

Hero's Conversation.

Post 16

Garius Lupus

Those peanut butter rumours are all false. The Celery has categorically denied them on several occasions. He never ...

Wait ... oh, I see. You weren't accusing, you were asking. Never mind.

Anyway, I'm sorry to see the two of you go. I really thought the villians were tempting you, BS! Nice ploy, too. And it's true that the fishing gets a bit much after a while. I find I can only do it every so often, although I do monitor my own forums to make sure I don't get frozen. Perhaps you two could stay on, but with reduced activity.

Hero's Conversation.

Post 17


As for being frozen, that last comment was a sutble hint. However I don't see any problem with supporting The Celery.

Hero's Conversation.

Post 18

soeasilyamused, or sea

wow. and i thought our forum was boring.... *snore*

Hero's Conversation.

Post 19


Well, I guess that everybody has been on holiday, enjoying the rain elsewhere, but anyway, we're meant to be worried about politics and stuff. You should know by now that evil gets the most fun. It's either this or we discuss the best skin tight suit fabrics... or I guess we could plan dramatic speaches, you know get the invisible orchestra to come in on que etc.

Hero's Conversation.

Post 20

soeasilyamused, or sea

as amusing as it would be to make fun of such conversations, it would get boring really fast... geez. nothing's happening! i'm bored!

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