A Conversation for S.T.U.M.P.E.D.

Brand New Initiation Forum of Death

Post 981


Happy kicks Uncle Heavy before heading off to find out what everybody else is doing smiley - tongueout

A Visit from a Psychopathic Birthday Girl...

Post 982

Queen Mandi (formerly Psycho Girl)

*Psycho Girl enters with big pink helium filled balloons and the biggest pink cotton candy anyone's ever seen*
This is my holiday and I'll celebrate with torture, and seeing as Happy Dude is the biggest form of torture, I borrowed an idea from him, and Birthday Princess is happy.
*holds out her cotton candy*
Anybody want some?

A Visit from a Psychopathic Birthday Girl...

Post 983


As Happy leave he congragulates Phyco on her Birthday and lets her know that everyone is over at http://www.h2g2.com/F35868?thread=76134&post=654464 :-P

A Visit from a Psychopathic Birthday Girl...

Post 984

The Krylma Leader

*A Gecko Warrior enters. He motions Psycho-Girl to the forum where all of the other STUMPED members are waiting, and puts up a sign*

In the absence of all of the STUMPED members, I, Minos Krylma, am allowing this Gecko Warriors to continue initiations of any potential minions until I return.
--------Minos Krylma

Brand New Initiation Forum of Death

Post 985

Number 6

>The sound of a high powered engine reaching high rpms and screeching tires comes from the distance. A black TVR Speed 12 comes sliding around a corner and parks at the Stadium. Number 2 steps out, resplendent in his black Armani suit and blue silk scarf. He walks slowly up to the front desk and inquires:<

Where do I sign in and which sphere is mine? I'm ready for the initiation.

Brand New Initiation Forum of Death

Post 986

Yowuzupman- New Top Speed 122 (thats mph you metric fools)

heres the sheet please sign here, here and here.

<#2 signs>

Go down this hallway, see that intersection right there where you can only go left or right? well deny yourself that right and continue untill you step out into the enclosure

#2- thank you sir

#2- wow, no one's here

Ahh, yes.......ahem, right, this way

This here is your sphere, have a nice ride and due enjoy yourself!

Brand New Initiation Forum of Death

Post 987


Happy pops in briefly just to see whats happening, wonders if any one can remember which ball had the nucaler warhead ?

Happy pops out again smiley - tongueout

Brand New Initiation Forum of Death

Post 988

Number 6

What is this contract? What? Something about not responsible for death, dismemberment, spontaneous combustion, maiming, torture, etc? Okay, yeah, the usual crap. I'll sign.

>Like a fish in water Number 6 (formerly known as Number 2) climbs into the sphere and locks himself in. Looking around for the seat belt and, lacking a seat, fails to find it. Not a problem. Number 6 reaches up, depress the button on his lapel and three four ultra strong, micro thin magnets with restraining cables eject from his sleeves and pant legs. Number 6 then takes a motion sickness pill, attaches the magnets to the inside of the sphere, activates them and lets the good times roll<

Hmmph, this should be cake.

Brand New Initiation Forum of Death

Post 989


You know I think tahat was the sphere with the Nuclear Bomb on board.
[Happy Teleports out in a hurry]

Brand New Initiation Forum of Death

Post 990

Yowuzupman- New Top Speed 122 (thats mph you metric fools)

shhhhhhh he doesn't know that! smiley - smiley

Brand New Initiation Forum of Death

Post 991

Yowuzupman- New Top Speed 122 (thats mph you metric fools)

shhhhhhh he doesn't know that! smiley - smiley

Brand New Initiation Forum of Death

Post 992

Yowuzupman- New Top Speed 122 (thats mph you metric fools)

[gotta get me a new internet connection]

Brand New Initiation Forum of Death

Post 993

Dream (keeper of nightmares)

*Looks around and sees yowuzupman* Hey, whats going on? More initiation?

Brand New Initiation Forum of Death

Post 994


[Happy teleports in]
'Have you seen which sphere he got into - this might not be a cool place to hang around if you get my driftsmiley - winkeye'
[Happy teleports out]

Brand New Initiation Forum of Death

Post 995

Yowuzupman- New Top Speed 122 (thats mph you metric fools)

yeah #2, #6 somthing like that is in that sphere there

dream- that one, isn't that gmagmgggrrsaggg

Yo- yeah it is, he doesn't know that though, hopefully he doesn't hit too many things

Brand New Initiation Forum of Death

Post 996

Yowuzupman- New Top Speed 122 (thats mph you metric fools)

Brand New Initiation Forum of Death

Post 997

Number 6

>Number 6 hurls himself at the walls and other recruits recklessly, unaware of the fact that he may very well be toying with his own fate.<

This is cake. I can do this with my eyes BASH closed. I wonder if CRASH they have anything harder?

>Number 6 closes his eyes and promptly falls asleep, letting his sphere roll freely around on its own.<

Brand New Initiation Forum of Death

Post 998

Yowuzupman- New Top Speed 122 (thats mph you metric fools)

Wow this is going to be interesting

Brand New Initiation Forum of Death

Post 999

The Krylma Leader

*Enters the stadium and sits down to watch the initiation. Wonders if he is the only member of STUMPED that remembers that there is an active force field between the arena and the stadium seats. Grins at the thought of him being the only one able to see the extremely bright explosion. Puts on his sunglasses, just to be on the safe side. Checks his watch*

Only one more day to go in this initiation. I say I make a new initiation forum at post #1000. Yes, that should work.

Brand New Initiation Forum of Death

Post 1000

Yowuzupman- New Top Speed 122 (thats mph you metric fools)

well looks like you need to make a new one

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