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Time Travel

Post 141


That's far too 'scientific'! The EASIEST way to time travel is simply(?) to go into an altered state of consciousness (ASC) I'm not going to elaborate on that if you're not sure what that is - then just google it or something!smiley - smiley

Time Travel

Post 142


I've been reading this 'time travel forum' for a minute now, and I'm not tryin' to harp on anybody. The conversations are going really well and excellent points are brought up. But, if you can't say it better use the next best thing, a quote.

Ford Prefect: Time is an illusion, lunchtime doubly so.

Doctor Who: Time isn't what you think it is. It's complicated. Really complicated. Most people believe time is linear, a straight progression of cause and effect, but when you look at it from a non-linear non-subjective viewpoint, the universe is made up of this...wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey....stuff.

Our innate filters keep us from percieving the universe as it actually is, infinite. Our movement through time seems linear because that is how we are built and conditioned to see it. We can't percieve infinity. It's just too big. So all you've really been doing is talking cross-eyed badger spit. Myself included. But it's good cross-eyed badger spit.

If you'll excuse me, I'm going to go blither to myself in a corner now. I think this time travel discussion finally broke my brain.

Time Travel

Post 143


You can't accelerate anything beyond the speed of light, as soon as you do it ceases to have mass. This means your non subatomic wormhole would stop being a wormhole.

Pleanty of people have already been in measured time travel experiments, any astronuaght has essentially travelled back in time a little. Time for them slows down as they travel so fast when they orbit the earth, they come back and more time has passed on earth than it has for them hence they have travelled back in time, or at least they have relative to us.

That's why you have to think of time as fleable, not linear. It is unique to everything that percieves it, it is not one single continuous thing.

Time Travel

Post 144


From what I have heard, time travel is possible.

Scientists in the US have made a pair of machines by which particles have been sent forward in time between the two. The time involved was about a millisecond or so, but it was there.

In the future, I can see this being refined. BUT, you will NOT be able to travel to a time BEFORE the machine was made.

Changing history, FORGET IT!!!!

smiley - smiley
smiley - wizard

Time Travel

Post 145

John Doe

You only travel through time in your mind, that's why you can go back or forward when you dream. Time is stretched out independent of the physical world and exists in another dimension where higher order or eternal beings may exist.

Time Travel

Post 146


As Einstein proved, time is relative. It depends on your movement through time. And wether or not you're actually paying attention to what everybody else defines as 'time'. You don't notice it unless you're actively trying. It's like if you're waiting at the bus stop, and it takes forever for the bus to arrive. If you've got say, a good book to occupy your time, then the bus arrives like it's only been a couple minutes. If you don't have anything to do, then the time drags out forever.

Time Travel

Post 147


Yes time is relative, in that our perception of it is unique. But this doesn't actually change how much time passed. Speed and mass are the key factors, the faster you go, the slower time passes (relative to a slower moving mass).

Interestingly does this mean you must have mass for time to apply. Ie light exists outside of time as it has no mass, as such allowing for it to travel at what we perceive as the speed of light?

Time Travel

Post 148


Hi mistertangerineman,ASC and time travel - interesting but my experience of ASC suggests that it is concerned with coming into and being in the NOW! Now is eternal so I see where the idea about time travel comes in but is the was-now the same as the now-now or even the then-now? Now, I shall really have to meditate about that one!

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