A Conversation for H2G2 Comedy Workshop...

The Big Suggestions Box...

Post 1


I would like to raise 'the Village Idiots' as a suggestion for the proposed feature in the Post. Not quite sure if a more serious name might be more beneficial though...

smiley - fish

The Big Suggestions Box...

Post 2


Global Village Idiots, surely?

The Big Suggestions Box...

Post 3

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

What about Digital Village Idiots?

The Big Suggestions Box...

Post 4


Does The Global Village Idiot know about this? smiley - smiley

The Big Suggestions Box...

Post 5



I had intended to let this page lapse until it got some site publicity. I was just wondering whether you were simply passing through or you are up for coming up with something together for the post ?

smiley - fish - Simply, High Spirited.

The Big Suggestions Box...

Post 6


Not sure yet...

The Big Suggestions Box...

Post 7

James Casey

Er, your Almightiness.

Got a couple of pages that you may want to run off this one - have a look at A339860 (Dealing with hecklers) and A339842 (Your Mother's so fat jokes). Thought they might be a useful part of the Comedy Workshop.

The Big Suggestions Box...

Post 8


Hey God, how's it going?

Er, ahem. Sorry, forgot myself then.

*Kneels on one knee and bows head*

I've been thinking about collaborative sketch/story writing efforts on H2G2 for a while... however being a man of thought rather than action I'm pleased to see that you've beaten me to it, otherwise I wouldn't have got anything done.

I'd be glad to join in, I think this kind of thing could work extremely well on H2G2.

I've written a few bits of comedy sketch, I'll get round to putting them onto H2G2 sometime if you like. Oh and take a look at H2G2 Fiction http://www.h2g2.com/A294833 , it's got some humourous stories I think, I've done one (which was a bit of a subtle take off of another story on H2G2 Fiction)
Oh and So Long And Thanks For Laughing (the H2G2 joke archive) http://www.h2g2.com/A227440 might be of some use.

Oh and why do you insist on that font on your pages??!!! I can hardly read the darn thing!

The Big Suggestions Box...

Post 9


Thanks for the affirmative response. I will get back to you in a few days and we will see if we can't work up something for the Post (It will hopefully get the message out there for others interested).

I'll also set aside a section of the page for people wanting some feedback on their work...

I'll work on changing the font (It is just like to make an 'Impact' smiley - winkeye )

smiley - fish - Simply, High Spirited

The Big Suggestions Box...

Post 10


I have just completed the first page update...

Some external links added & the inclusion of your pages...

...and definitely easier to read in Arial smiley - winkeye

smiley - fish

The Big Suggestions Box...

Post 11


I have just completed the first page update...

Some external links added & the inclusion of your pages...

...and definitely easier to read in Arial smiley - winkeye

smiley - fish

The Big Suggestions Box...

Post 12


Er... where am I... oh yes the Comedy Workshop. That's the problem with H2G2, I have so many pages open at once I tend to forget which forums I'm in, and end up posting an intricate message about the finer details of cabbage stir-frying in a theological debate, causing instant confusion and a few minor cults to spring up.

Well not literally but you get the idea.

Now I've forgotten what I was going to say in the first place.

Oh yes, I'm going to add some links to H2G2 Fiction if and when I take over editorship of the page. I'll definitely link here. Have you mentioned this page to Peta or Abi for the World of H2G2? It's the kind of thing they'd eat up (again, not literally).

The Big Suggestions Box...

Post 13

James Casey

Your Almightiness; re. the 'Your Mother's so fat' jokes link. Now that this is part of the 'So Long & Thanks For Laughing' section which is linked to just below the former, there doesn't need to be a separate link to the 'Your Mother..' bit.

The Big Suggestions Box...

Post 14

Researcher 135405

Sounds like a great idea! I'm new on h2g2, but already I've found lots of great stuff.

I'm a small-time stand-up comedian in Sydney (where the stand-up scene is bleak as a wasteland but smaller) and I would love the chance to work on some written comedy with you guys. If you can find it in your hearts to help me figure out what is where, I'll be grateful. VERY grateful.

I will put a sample of my writing on my home-page so you can have a look if you have time or inclination. Please let me get involved... please? Grovel? May I grovel?

The Big Suggestions Box...

Post 15


I'm coming to Syndney in October, tell me where & when you do your act smiley - bigeyes and I'll come and heckle smiley - winkeye

I'm sure you're welcome to get involved... 'God Almighty' runs this place and I imagine he'll be along soon. Isn't God meant to be everywhere, anyway?
I love writing comedy (well, I love having WRITTEN something funny, the writing itself is pretty difficult) but my kind of humour is slightly wierd. I started writing a series of sketches but realised that they all ended in somebody dying...

I've been looking at the BBC Light Programme's web pages, (there's a link on this page). It's quite useful. If we want to send something to the BBC, the thing with the best chance would be something that is not a series of sketches; not a one off thing, capable of continuing over a series; oh and something funny.

The Big Suggestions Box...

Post 16


You obviously have not watched a BBC sitcom in a while, if you think we have to be funny.
The BBC recently ran a competition for budding script writers. Unfortunately I had nothing to hand to submit, and all my buds had gotten frost bitten. You might still be able to access the web pages on it though. I'll try and have a look.
Anyway, just bookmarking this to remind me, I have the memory of one of those things with holes in, only with bigger holes.

The Big Suggestions Box...

Post 17


Well, given that we have a few more interested souls on-line as it were (...and a mention on the main page). I think it's about time to discuss what kind of a thing people would like to do...

Here are some of the suggestions so far...

- Something topical for the Post.
- A radio sketch comedy
- Sitcom

Please respond with your preference if interested... smiley - smiley

The Big Suggestions Box...

Post 18


OK, to give you something to get started on here http://www.h2g2.com/A367346 is something I did ages ago, when at Uni. It is pretty poor, but might get the juices flowing, so to speak.

The Big Suggestions Box...

Post 19

The Jester (P. S. of Village Idiots, Muse of Comedians, Keeper of Jokes, Chef and Seraph of Bad Jokes) LUG @ A458228

I give my approval for the Village Idiots bit for the Post.

4smiley - biggrin (I'm using inflatory speech threeday, except in the JOTD)

JOTD: The specs said "Windows 95 or better", so I installed it on Linux

The Big Suggestions Box...

Post 20

Post Team

Are you there GOD??
I just dropped by to find out how all you wonderful people are getting on... and whether any of you have an article which you would like to see in the POST?
Thankyou for your attention!
shazzPRME smiley - winkeye

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