A Conversation for Former HEAVEN...

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Post 81

Archangel Zax

Yeay! benj made it!

Now it's down to Angel (tho checked in by proxy, she has to actually bookmark the thread to be counted) and Techni! i wonder who'll make it home first!?!?

Remember folks, no talking on this thread! move along, move along! over to the Heaven Sent thread... let's go! tell us all about it, just tell us OVER THERE! smiley - smiley

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Post 82

Archangel Zax

Whee! our very first Notice!! ***** NOTICE! ****** anyone who wants to be listed as one of my "Guardees", drop a note on this thread: http://www.h2g2.com/F38362?thread=57731&post=441024 i'd hate to miss anyone! you will get a link to your page from mine, and a nifty badge (like the angel on my page, but better!) to use on your page! hurry now, while they last!

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Post 83

Archangel Tweetie (01/06/02...)

*slams head off desk*
Note to self- put Zax's angel on page.
And find angel of own to use as link...
Help- I'm turning into Bridget Jones smiley - winkeye
Like I said Zax, Angel won't be around for a while so proxy is gonna have to do for now.

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Post 84

Archangel Zax

uh.. oops.. that link was wrong, that's h2g2 for you! here's the correct message and link:


anyone who wants to be listed as one of my "Guardees", drop a note on this thread:

i'd hate to miss anyone!
you will get a link to your page from mine, and a nifty badge (like the angel on my page, but better!) to use on your page!
hurry now, while they last!

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Post 85

Archangel Zax

HIYA ALL! Wow is this handy!

Ok, well, here's the deal! There is now an ANGELS' GROUP at egroups.com... check it out at:
It is a free, PRIVATE forum/clubhouse for the Saints. Come join us and enjoy the Saints' chat room, add to/use the file archive, share your favorite links, check out the Saints' calendar of events, vote in our polls (we're a democracy, you know!) suggest new polls, and post messages without fear of being overheard!

In order to keep it restricted to Saints only, membership is granted by invitation. To use the simplest method, get your personal invitation to join by sending an email to guardian_angels@my-deja.com
make sure to include your username, so we can keep track of who's legit. note: Email addresses will be used only to send invites, and will not be shared.

Any problems, email Zax* at zzax@my-deja.com
okay, saints! see you there!

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Post 86

Archangel Tweetie (01/06/02...)


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Post 87

The Researcher formally known as Dr St Justin

I'm there!

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Post 88

Archangel Zax

hiya guys... someone has applied to join the new forum, but has not confirmed the address....(something about whistling...?)smiley - winkeye

smiley - bigeyes
please note that the email address you use for your egroups membership profile needs to be INCLUDED somewhere in your confirmation email- otherwise we can't match you to your application!
smiley - tongueout
if all of that is too difficult, just do this: apply at http://www.egroups.com then drop a note on my page telling me that you've applied, and include part of your email address in the note. that way i can match it to you... got it? easy, right? smiley - winkeye

we've got 6 already, and 10 more on the way. that means that 20 of you need to get moving!! smiley - smiley

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Post 89

Archangel Zax

btw... please make a point to include your username in your profile. completely empty profiles will DEFINITELY be refused, as they could be posted by anyone... sorry folks! you've all done just fine so far, tho... except for the whistler!smiley - winkeye

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Post 90


* St.Peter leads the others in a round of applause for Zax sterling work... smiley - smiley *

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Post 91

Entropic Entity

*blushes rosily*

awww.. you guys!

still working out some of the glitches, but it's up and running!! WHEE what a ride!!

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Post 92


St.Peter - All the best adventures, always go off the beaten track...!!! smiley - winkeye


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Post 93


ZAX:whistle while you work

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Post 94


ZAX:whistle while you work

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Post 95


ZAX:whistle while you work

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Post 96

Archangel Tweetie (01/06/02...)

Well, my membership's pending, but it was touch and go for a minute
smiley - winkeye
Couldn't for the life of me remember my password. Don't let me forget to add my username to my profile, otherwise I'll forget.

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Post 97

Archangel Zax


I NEED HELP!!! smiley - smiley

would you guys mind helping me out? i need someone (or several someones) to take the newest saints in hand and make sure they know where everything is... we have inducted about 5 new saints, and i just smiley - sigh don't have the time... maybe you all could adopt one or two and give them a hand until they've got their feet wet?

here are the imoportant things i can think of off hand:

1) They should post their names and titles and user# at the angel dropdown list code page, so i can put them into the list code.


3) they should send an email to guardian_angels@mydeja.com so they can get directions to heaven... unless you can find a way to tell them without it becomming public knowledge... tho i dout that matters much anymore since open day smiley - winkeye
EITHER WAY, we should have an email address for them so that when they apply to the egroups forum i will know who they are!

4) they should be told how to apply to the egroups forum, and have an idea how to use it.

5) they should know where to find the list of users that have activated their pages, and have an idea of how to greet someone... there isn't any set pattern or anything, but they need to know that, ank know that they can make it up as they go along.

6) many of them need help themselves, so if you could play GA to an angel or two, that'd be WONDERFUL.

i hope this all makes sense... DON'T reply here... if you decide to take a saint in hand, please notify everyone over at the angel's app.. and try to be low key about it... maybe just start a new discussion thread on THEIR homepage, and drop a note on the app thread to let that new angel know that you've left a message on their page...
whatever works..
*heinekins all around!

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Post 98


Got the e-mail addy worked out(?)
broke my modem so i'm stuck on 14.4 for now, slow and likes to disconnect
waiting for the egroup invite now...

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Post 99


Got the e-mail addy worked out(?)
broke my modem so i'm stuck on 14.4 for now, slow and likes to disconnect
waiting for the egroup invite now...

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Post 100

Archangel Zax

i'm on it...

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