A Conversation for LIL'S ATELIER

107Xth Conversation chez Lil

Post 3541

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

I reckon my discharge will be after Labor Day, the first weekend in September. First I have to enroll in one of the two insurance companies and be processed and accepted. Then, when it's assured that I have paid transportation home and home health care, the team here will meet to assess me and determine a discharge date. Ten business days with a bank holiday stuck in.

Since I've been living mostly in bed, it will take a while to work my way back to my usual productivity, and I don't want any setbacks. Pressure sores are hard to beat down completely, and my backside is going to be fragile for a while.

On the plus side, I've gained proficiency in one-handed typing, either side, as this post attests. Remember back in February, how telegraphic my posts were? smiley - smiley

smiley - popcorn

Yesterday a patient went up to the front desk for help. She has Verizon service on her mobile and a friend of hers has AT&T, and she wanted to know how to call them.

107Xth Conversation chez Lil

Post 3542

Spaceechik, Typomancer

Lil, great news! We'll have to have a celebratory conga line, and you can fire up your new rolling Harkonnen, to Lead!

Z, have a good time...Australia is one of the places I've always wanted to go. Good luck on your talk.

107Xth Conversation chez Lil

Post 3543

Dizzy the Void

Oh, hi. I haven't been here since May. *skips over the backlog* smiley - erm

Details on recent developments (and my Secret Alternate Internet Identity) in my Journal. I figured now was as good a time as any, I suppose ...

107Xth Conversation chez Lil

Post 3544

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

*extracts a backlog exemption pass from her etui and gives it to Yar* Welcome back, compadre.

107Xth Conversation chez Lil

Post 3545

Good Doctor Zomnker (This must be Tuesday," said GDZ to himself, sinking low over his Dr. Pepper, "I never could get the hang of Tuesdays.")

Night all.

107Xth Conversation chez Lil

Post 3546

Titania (gone for lunch)

Hmmm... in order to watch Dallas online, it says I need to download Widevine (by Google), but when I try to, I get an error message, with a google link that says:

'Your installation may have been damaged. To repair it, try removing the program with Windows Installer CleanUp Utility before attempting to install again.'

But (there's always a but, isn't there?) it also says:

'Note: Microsoft no longer supports the Windows Installer CleanUp Utility. They discourage its use because it can damage other components installed on your computer. Please use the utility at your own risk.'

This is the first time I've seen such an obvious example of MS and Google not agreeing over something, from a user perspective. So should I run it, or shouldn't I?smiley - huh

107Xth Conversation chez Lil

Post 3547


Google don't like Microsoft and often give "advice" to make them look bad.

107Xth Conversation chez Lil

Post 3548


*Dislikes Microsoft and Google*


107Xth Conversation chez Lil

Post 3549

Santragenius V

For those who do not do FB or see my stuff there - there's the biggest and hardest Danish scouting adventurerace on this weekend and we have a patrol of 4 (one of them N, my son) in the race for 14-17 years old.

The story/fantasy frame is that of WSRT, World Scout Rescue Team that is going on a mission to Africa. Of course things do not go as planned - wars break out etc etc. Here are two videos of modern scouting at its maddest - in the first one, there's a sequence that starts with a ginger guy in a red shirt around 1:30 - that's our scouts. N's the one you see climbing out of the water a little later...



The race ends tomorrow at 10. For those who wants to or can tackle Danish, follow #solarisspejd on Twitter - as part of the race, the patrols are sending tweets.

107Xth Conversation chez Lil

Post 3550

Good Doctor Zomnker (This must be Tuesday," said GDZ to himself, sinking low over his Dr. Pepper, "I never could get the hang of Tuesdays.")

g'night zzzzz......

107Xth Conversation chez Lil

Post 3551

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

[[[ lil ]]] wading through email backlog

107Xth Conversation chez Lil

Post 3552

Titania (gone for lunch)

Hahaha... ahem... reading an analysis of the Swedish summer this year, and yeah, it was rather wet and cool.

Only six days of 'high summer' which is defined as an average temperature above +25ºC during 24 hours.

Between June 1st and August 19th Stockholm had 41 days of rain. That's more than half the time.

And the coldest summer night had a temperature of only +4.5ºC (40.1ºF) smiley - brr

107Xth Conversation chez Lil

Post 3553


Hi again, Yar.

smiley - cat *counting down the days to Lil's release*

107Xth Conversation chez Lil

Post 3554

Santragenius V

Oh, and hello to Yar, absolutely smiley - bubbly

N just came home, reasonably dead on his feet. Very, very little sleep snce Friday and probably on the upside of 50 or 60 km walking in between with lots and lits of challenges thrown in for good measure. Damn, they've done good by finishing.

107Xth Conversation chez Lil

Post 3555

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

The Toshiba netbook hit the floor again this morning and survived. The night CNA had moved my side table so that a corner was hooked into the railing of my bed and, when I raised my head, everything slid off and the table itself went over. My room mate was all over me like a demented butterfly, wanting to know if I was all right, when I was clearly untouched, and what I needed was a member of staff to pick up the mess.

Having her in the room is like living with a tesla coil. It's educational, though, to watch how a false conviction (like the man who has been dead two years but whom she now believes is in the dining room, preventing her from eating there because she's afraid of him) trumps reality, despite all assurances from staff that her belief is erroneous.

107Xth Conversation chez Lil

Post 3556

Dizzy the Void

Hi, all.

I'm going to have to pass on that smiley - bubbly, V, unless it's some sort of nonalcoholic soda. No alcohol for me. smiley - winkeye

107Xth Conversation chez Lil

Post 3557

Good Doctor Zomnker (This must be Tuesday," said GDZ to himself, sinking low over his Dr. Pepper, "I never could get the hang of Tuesdays.")

Morning all.

107Xth Conversation chez Lil

Post 3558

Titania (gone for lunch)

Some years ago, when I was attending an external course, one of the participants (who worked for a company that clears away trees around the electrical lines) told of how they asked for offers for *durable laptops from the major manufacturers.

And the final question face to face with the sales person would be 'can I stand on it?'

Only one of the representatives stepped up (!) to the challenge by saying 'sure you can, but why don't *I stand on it?' (he was taller and beefier than the customer). So he put the laptop on the floor (closed) and stood on it. They won the order.

Which company? Well, my impression is that they don't cater much to the general public put specialize on companies. Eye bee em.

And here is a version of an ingame song from Skyrim that I think is so lovely that I'll post a link here as well as in the related gaming thread:


107Xth Conversation chez Lil

Post 3559

Milla, h2g2 Operations

I remembered once, when I tried to convince the company that you should use computers in the lab. Laptops. That could stand being dropped and spilledon and wiped clean. I think they were called toughbooks or something, but that was awesome stuff. Punch the screen with your fist? Nothing. Drop and stomp and smash. Nothing. Water on keyboard? Nothing. But it didn't happen that time... Paperless still isn't the thing in the lab...

smiley - towel

107Xth Conversation chez Lil

Post 3560

minichessemouse - Ahoy there me barnacle!

Erm hello I'm still mostly alive, suffering with peripheral neuropathy as bump is pulling on a nerve I damaged when I he'd shingles a few years ago. Just about settled in the new flat and shall take pictures etc soon. Glad to hear you are up for parole lil smiley - silly

Can't really visit much until we get proper Internet, the iPhone has a habit of taking around fifteen seconds to register each keystroke and my patience only stretches so far, also it will decide to hide a word until I've finished typing it, and then reveal it qualm in a rush, and then there's the autocorrect, which spoils all my fun of inventing new words, and being silly.

Minismiley - mouse

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