A Conversation for LIL'S ATELIER

42Xth Conversation at Lil's - The Cheated Ones

Post 1341

Chris Tonks

*Puts hand up.*

I understood! smiley - winkeye

42Xth Conversation at Lil's - The Cheated Ones

Post 1342

Cardinal Noah (is now back!!!)

YAY! smiley - biggrin

42Xth Conversation at Lil's - The Cheated Ones

Post 1343

Arlecchino (school gets in the way)

Hi, all.

Gwen: Your birthday sounded great! Glad you got to do something cool.

Lil: I'm glad your new property pleases you. It sounds wonderful. I'd love to see a picture of that view.

Sea: Hope Vegas goes well.

Grandmother comes up tomorrow, so I don't know if I'll be on. I am dreaming of a white Christmas, but I'm stuck down here in Phoenix where it is cold enough to be chilly when I'm trying to sleep, but not cold enough for snow, or fires in the fireplace, or anything traditionally thought of as "Christmassy".

Happy Holidays, everyone!

42Xth Conversation at Lil's - The Cheated Ones

Post 1344

Cardinal Noah (is now back!!!)

happy crimble Arlecchino!

42Xth Conversation at Lil's - The Cheated Ones

Post 1345

Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic)

Evening all! smiley - biggrin

Its been a productive day wherein I wrestled into a semblance of submision a short story that's been pounding away at my head this past week. Other than that, a lot of present wrapping and singing along with whatever music was playing at any given time. smiley - smiley

Matina, some smiley - tea please. Thank you


42Xth Conversation at Lil's - The Cheated Ones

Post 1346

marvthegrate LtG KEA

Evening all, I had a fun few hours today. While I was waiting for my dad to pick me up for the family dinner celebrating xmas, I was preparing a sandwhich. I chose for my starch, a croisiont (sp?) that was uncut. I used my serrated bread knife to part the pastry into halves. Alas it was a bit stale, but not completely. I cut through the tough part, and got to very soft bread. My knife was apparently still hungry for more than some bread. I cut my left index finger very deeply. I determined that I should take a visit to our local urgent care facility (not a real hospital, but good enough for minor work on the old body). I am now the proud owner of three stiches on the bottom of my left index finger between my first and second knuckles on that finger. it makes it painfull, tho not impossible, to type. The trip to the instacare (the name of that medical paragon of care) took nearly three hours. It seems that there were a number of accidents and maladies troubling people in this time of gift giving and family gatherings. Tonight I am staying with my folks and I will go to a late church service tomorrow at 11:00 p.m. As I was waiting for the doctor to see me I watched a lady with her small child. The little girl was about 3, which is the age of kids that I used to teach sunday school to a number of years ago. The lady was in a certain amount of pain due to an apparant broken hand. So I understand that she was short tempered and irritable. But her poor little girl was understandable very bored. I almost wanted to keep the little girl company while her mom was looked after, but in this day in age it is unheard of for strange men to watch over little girls in public. I just got the idea that if I could keep the little one busy, I would not have to think of the bloody bandage I had on my finger and that poor lady would have had a bit less to worry about as she was also in pain. They left the clinic a few minutes before I was seen, and I know that she had a rough time of keeping tabs on the child during her examination. But I still felt it a pity that I could not do anything to help. Anymore, no one trusts strangers even in times of need. I think that is the most pitiful realisation I have come to in years. My wish for christmas is to let the world calm down a mite, and for people to be able to trust others wether in a time of emergency as in Sept 11, or in a time of personal pain like today.

I write this to you my friends in greetings for the holiday season. I know that you all do not celebrate the Christmas holiday, but I hope you will take what I say in stride.
Peace be unto you and to those you love. I wish happiness and tranquility for you all. At last, I wish for peace unto the world. Let civil discord in Argentina end, Let fighting in Afganistan stop, Let religous strife in the middle east find common ground.

Merry Christmas my friends. Peace be unto you.

Marvin White.

42Xth Conversation at Lil's - The Cheated Ones

Post 1347

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

Marv, move to New Zealand. I visited a doctor's surgery today... some boring thing to do with applying for a invalid's pension ... a chirpy young Maori lass (aged 4, maybe 5) was fascinated with my beard. Briliantly, I had only been crying for two minutes when the brute's mother rescued me smiley - winkeye

Have a good one mate smiley - holly

42Xth Conversation at Lil's - The Cheated Ones

Post 1348

marvthegrate LtG KEA

I should keep that in mind. You always make a good argument for moving to GodZone. I wonder if you secretly work for the New Zealand brueau of immigration and are trying to get all of us Atelier regulars to move to middle earth.

42Xth Conversation at Lil's - The Cheated Ones

Post 1349

Witty Moniker

smiley - holly

42Xth Conversation at Lil's - The Cheated Ones

Post 1350

dElaphant (and Zeppo his dog (and Gummo, Zeppos dog)) - Left my apostrophes at the BBC

The official name for you wound is a "bagel cut" Marv. They usually occur on Sunday mornings.

Once again, Merry Christmas everyone and talk to you in a few days.

/* Makes a note of "froodness on a stick" for future use. */

smiley - hollysmiley - dogsmiley - holly

42Xth Conversation at Lil's - The Cheated Ones

Post 1351

Jade (Like a lithium flower just about to bloom... She's incredible math.) and Thras (the token dragon dæmon)

*sipping at her smiley - coffee*

Gods it's cold today! Mad-cold, I tell ye!

-JJsmiley - elf

42Xth Conversation at Lil's - The Cheated Ones

Post 1352

Bald Bloke


Another cold grey day in Sarf Lunun.

Time for a nice smiley - tea

42Xth Conversation at Lil's - The Cheated Ones

Post 1353

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

Morning all. Christmas Day in Middle Earth will be a scorcher. The beer frige (electric [long power cord], outside underneath the tree beside the barbecue] will be working overtime. Big decision of the day so far? Which hat to wear? I'm leaning towards the straw boater, Whatho there Jeeves.


smiley - sheep

42Xth Conversation at Lil's - The Cheated Ones

Post 1354

Jade (Like a lithium flower just about to bloom... She's incredible math.) and Thras (the token dragon dæmon)

...I want some wool socks... smiley - cry

*is insanely jealous of Looney and the insanely nifty weather in Middle earth*

-JJsmiley - elf

42Xth Conversation at Lil's - The Cheated Ones

Post 1355

Bald Bloke

Merry Christmas Loony smiley - holly

Don't get too sunburnt falling asleep after lunchsmiley - smiley

42Xth Conversation at Lil's - The Cheated Ones

Post 1356

Spelugx the Beige, Wizard, Perl, Thaumatologically Challenged

Merry Christmas eve some, and merry christmas day others. Plus a very merry 'week before new year' to the agnostics, non-believers in Christmas, whether it be a commercial christmas, a Christian christmas or what ever else.

Interestingly I once did a debate on whether Christmas was too commerical. Unfortunately my side won, having convinced everyone it was too commericial smiley - sadface.

Movie news: I've finally been to the HP movie, and having sat through the 2½ hours of it, I was rather disappointed smiley - sadface.

spelugx -- smiley - sadface

42Xth Conversation at Lil's - The Cheated Ones

Post 1357

Peripatetic Warrior Monk

Happy Christmas to all, snow on the mountains, cold wind in the valley, and nothing but warm instant tea and sausage and beans (an exothermic dish, useful!)in a bag to celebrate with. Happy Christmas to all Salonistas, and I hope that the new year brings health happiness and a guaranteed cure for hangovers. Big love to all.

42Xth Conversation at Lil's - The Cheated Ones

Post 1358

Carmel Bunny, spokes stuffie for cute things everywhere

*smiley - bunny come flying in hanging from a runaway pug dog. She looses her grip, slides across the floor and comes to rest with a thump at the base of the Christmas tree.
Madam Ruppy the pug final stops, sitting in the middle of the floor and looking expectantly at everyone. It seems to her that everyone is taking an uncommonly long time to invite her to a lap to lay on.*

smiley - bunny Dear, oh, dear me! Oh, well, yes, just where I wanted to be, that's good isn't it?

*She begins work setting up a tiny swing on a sturdy lower branch. Once done she climbs on and seatbelts herself in*

smiley - bunny I didn't have an ornament to hang, so I thought I'd hang myself from the tree, if no one minds.

*attackes second and third safety belt. See is 2 inches from the floor*

42Xth Conversation at Lil's - The Cheated Ones

Post 1359

marvthegrate LtG KEA

Hey there CB. Merry Christmas to you. Just whiling the last hours at work away till I get pardoned for the holiday.

42Xth Conversation at Lil's - The Cheated Ones

Post 1360

Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic)

Merry Chrimbo to all... smiley - biggrin


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