A Conversation for Where in the World?

Where do the other members come from?

Post 1


From counting, h2g2 should have only 247 members. Where do the others come from? Betelgeuise?

Where do the other members come from?

Post 2


They are from a place called Lurkestan (pronounced loork-e-stahn). It's quite a large area in the Caucasian mountains with some of the best Internet connections in the world. It's also one of the most populated countries in the world. However, the people have a very strong tendency to keep quiet about themselves and effectively elude discovery. This is why very rarely anyone reports actually coming across any of them anywhere.

Oh, and for record-keeping purposes, I'm currently resident in Finland, as I have been for the part of my life that's already accounted for. Next autumn will see me in Wales and I will see Wales creep into me.

Where do the other members come from?

Post 3

no soap

shhhhhhh, Zan! shhhhhhhhhhh for god's sake...

although, for *official* purposes i'm from Oxford, UK...

Where do the other members come from?

Post 4


Well, I tend to think I'm not from Earth, but for my parent's sake, I say I'm Norwegian.

Where do the other members come from?

Post 5

Dreamer Of Nightmares.

I come from England.

Where do the other members come from?

Post 6

Arturo Bandini

I was bored in Thurso, Scotland but only played there fr a couple of years, grew out in New Brighton and came to rest in London. I miss Liverpool but go back to watch those overpaid, lazy b*****ds every week. Why? Call it love.

Where do the other members come from?

Post 7


Living in Sheffield, England and originally from Essex

Where do the other members come from?

Post 8

Curator Chick [Ivy of Xanth in the Magic Forest RPG] (Muse of Interdisciplinary Inquiry and Keeper of Museums) Join the SE US Gr

Columbia, South Carolina; but born in New Brunswick, NJ; and think I should have lived in Rome sometime prior to 1600.

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