A Conversation for FU on tour. Part 2: The intergalactic years


Post 1


Right, I'm bemused. Did this ever get a cinema release outside Scotland? Comedto think of it did it even get a release _in_ Scotland. I read a rather lukewarm review of it a while back on Inside Film, and now I see that its coming out on video in early June. A bit of a peculiar fate for a film which could probably have done very nicely (Iain Banks book, Jonny Lee Miller etc.) had it been promoted.

Any one seen it?


Post 2


That's not good news, is it? I wasn't even aware it had finished post-production. It must be REALLY bad if they're burying it like that. Pity too, as it's one of the few books I'd've actually read BEFORE the film came out...


Post 3


I'm the same here- I knew it was being made- probably because one of you had mentioned it, but had no idea it had been released and even as a listener of Radio Scotland have heard no reviews to date- although I do frequently defect to radio 4, so I could've missed it. I have just finished the book which was ok, nothing special- even though my husband would remark every so ofetn over my shoulder "Good, isn't it?" johnny lee miller though? Doesn't fit the picture in my head of Cameron Colley- i saw him more as a Douglas Henshall (but maybe that's because Doug is always on my mind...)

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