A Conversation for FU on tour. Part 2: The intergalactic years

Found You

Post 1


haha, I finally made it. So place your bets that the boards will be working properly tomorrow *l*. So, what have I missed? Fill me in!

Found You

Post 2


Tsk. Really, Seona - I do think you *might* have thanked me... Young people today, I don't know...

*profuse thankyous*

Post 3


sorry sorry sorry. I did mean to of course. but I've been rather caught up with my gawjuuuus new icq 2000,

all this time and you're alone??

Post 4


any sign of any other newsies?

all this time and you're alone??

Post 5


Hi there barquing. Back at my work station (hah hah) after a 10-day break. You well?

all this time and you're alone??

Post 6


Still here and still somewhat bemused by the lack of Guardian talkboards. Damn 'em all.


Post 7


Hello Poobie! Glad you made it. Did you have a good break?


Post 8


A most pleasing break thanks! And another one is on the horizon ...

But I didn't see any films at the cinema. Absolutely nothing available of any appeal (except for teh Tigger movie) . Got Hideous Kinky out of the video emporium and the more I ponder it, the more dreadful I found it...


Post 9


With Poobie and Withnail safely accounted for, can we now assume that "PBradshaw" is indeed DJ? As for the FilmU boards, someone raised a rather worrying point - is it possible they'll just be dumped if they can't fix them?


Post 10


You might be onto something there FF ... I'm a little surprised that DJ hasn't made himself know...

Apparently the glitch on the boards is pretty minor so I reckon if they dump them they'll have to dump some of their techies as well!


Post 11


I can't see them ditching the talkboards, afterall - who would visit the sites otherwise? They've got themselves a neat little comunity there and I doubt they'd want to split it all up at the drop of a hat.

I notice that the News site has undergone a reasonably major facelift though, so perhaps the talkboards have just been put on the back burner for a while, although having said that - there doesn't seem to be a link to the news talkboards anymore.

Curiouser and curiouser...


Post 12


further to that, there's this message on the "Whats changed on the site" page:

"What's happening with our talk boards
For some days we have been unable to provide full access to our talk boards. This is due to technical problems we have encountered, which our staff are working to solve as a priority. We are very sorry for the inconvenience this is causing Guardian Unlimited users, not least because we are missing your lively and informed online discussions. Please bear with us, and thank you for your patience. "


Post 13


I miss my little talkboards, there is less stuff for me to waste time on now!


Post 14


Well, that sounds quite hopeful then. I sent an email off last night so I'll post the reply if I get one.


Post 15


The longer the talkboards are broken, the longer I can put off having this "live chat" everyone is so obsessed with. "Result", as I believe you provincials say.

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