A Conversation for FU on tour. Part 2: The intergalactic years

FU - what is going on?!

Post 1


Anybody received an email from FU recently? They've had more than enough time to sort things out, surely. Don't these techie people earn a fortune in overtime for working over holidays like Easter. I mean, h2g2 is fine for a while, but the site keeps crashing my computer and I'm getting sick of it.

FU - what is going on?!

Post 2


aha, so this is where everybody is *looks around* not very userfriendly looking I have to say. God knows what's happening with the talkboards, I think the professional expression is 'they're buggered mate@

FU - what is going on?!

Post 3


Hi Seona. This place isn't actually so bad when you get used to it. But I still want the old talkboard back. I'm going to send another email and enquire how the patient is doing. You don't think they're going to dump the boards because they're more trouble than they're worth, do you?

FU - what is going on?!

Post 4


I blame Julie Burchill- did you see that she's the new agony aunt on News Unlimited? She's clearly offended so many people that the server has exploded or something due to the amount of complaints.I don't think the talkboards will be shut down for good- they get promoted every chance the guardian gets. Still, I have to say this substitute isn't bad at all; we might all even feel a small tinge of sadness when we have to leave.

FU - what is going on?!

Post 5


but I don't like frames! I want to go home!!

FU - what is going on?!

Post 6


Yeah, frames are horrible aren't they? Guardian are unlikely to scrap the Talkboards - they're the only thing that really distinguishes the Guardian from the other newspaper websites.

FU - what is going on?!

Post 7


I wonder what the H2G2 regulars and ACEs make of our ... uh ... imigration over to their green and pleasant land (or rather dark blue).
Treat us nicely chaps, we're only harmless refugees and asylum seekers... hmm, *brushes political analogies under the carpet*

FU - what is going on?!

Post 8


I just blame Julie Burchill. On principle.

FU - what is going on?!

Post 9


Julie's always been very nice to me. Leave her alone.

FU - what is going on?!

Post 10


Julie would eat you for breakfast, Bradshaw. If that's who you really are.

FU - what is going on?!

Post 11


I worked with Julie on the Modern Review. Luckily my prior experience of dealing with witches stood me in good stead. I met one when I was at Cambridge, you know.

FU - what is going on?!

Post 12


So it's not advice as such that she's handing out over a NU but potions!

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