A Conversation for FU on tour. Part 2: The intergalactic years


Post 1


So what do people think of this one then? So the Americans are getting it first (any one got Quatro's email?) but although director Jonathan Mostow is defending the films premise (Americans succesfully carry out those war-changing missions in reality sorted out by the Brits) as nothing more than a mcguffin to set in motion a plot about a bunch of soldiers in a tin can, is this a case of twisting history for Hollywood going a little far?

Just a thought.


Post 2


Yes. I remember reading about this earlier in the year. Apparently they've been forced to add an "Actually the crew were all British. Sorr-eeeee!"-type message at the end, to appease the rather vociferous protests. Actually, for once I'm going to stick my neck out. I *do* think they've gone too far, if only because I refuse to accept the implied "received wisdom" that this film's audience wouldn't have gone to see it had the crew been British. I can't see any other reason for them doing it, other than blatant historical revisionism. Galaxy Quest actually touches on what happens if movies and TV shows end up being seen as "historical documents" in the future, and to be honest, when you read about something like this, you can't escape that nagging thought - that 50 years from now, this sort of thing will be taken as "fact". (Saving Private Ryan equally guilty of Writing The Brits Out, btw).


Post 3


You should have read all the crap on aintitcoolnews about this one. Americans saying "So what if it completely lies about what happens in the 2nd world war. Tough shit. America is best ra-ra-ra! We would have done it if we had been there. etc"


Post 4


have a look at the official website for this, while I've heard the director maintain that its just an action thriller, the site designers take things pretty seriously. The "Historical Specs" section features handy info on German and US subs with a heading "Remember the U-Boat War" and links to "find out more about the American Military"

Hmm. Good ol' Roger Erbert thought it was a little suspect mind.


Post 5


None of this is surprising. Puts me in mind of that old Comic Strip Presents film "Strike". Hollywood will always rewrite history to suit itself.


Post 6


Doesn't surprise me that they twisted the truth to make America look good - having seen the trailer for The Patriot it looks like they have yet again cast the British as moustache-twirling villans. I was listening to Bill Bryson's Made in America last night which gave a very insightful account of the War of Independence (mainly fought because of taxation and non-representation in Parliament - yet they were paying about 5 times less than those in Britain, had a much higher standard of living, and most people living in Britain did not have the right to vote either, also the leaders of those fighting for independence did not want complete independence from Britain, they were only protesting about King George III).

First Braveheart and now this, what does Mel have against the British?


Post 7


Too many poofs, not enough catholics.

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