A Conversation for FU on tour. Part 2: The intergalactic years

American Psycho

Post 1


Is it just me or does this film look like it might actually be good? The clips on Film 2000 last night were really funny and now I find myself wanting to see it before (and more) than Cradle Will Rock, which I've been looking forward to for ages. I've never had much time for BEE so I didn't read the book - having found Less than Zero rather trying. Has anyone seen AP yet? On F2000 Ross said it was better than the book, but surely that's not much of an achievement?

American Psycho

Post 2


I'm with you on this. I can't say I'd been looking forward to it much beforehand (beyond the fact that it has both The Lovely Reese Witherspoon AND That Nice Chloe Sevigny in it), but the clips last night made it look very funny indeed. You're not missing much with the book (some parts in particular are just nauseating for the sake of it), but since someone told me that it can be read as his delusion / fantasy, I'm thinking of reading it again. It's better than Less Than Zero though, if only because it has more of a sense of humour - that bit with the business cards being a case in point...

As to Cradle Will Rock, well, as I said to Cristina Ricci on the way out...

Okay, I'll shut up.

American Psycho

Post 3


I seem to remember an interview with BEE (incidentally, he came across as a tosser of the highest order, in my opinion) where he said that he would be worried if people DIDN'T find the book tedious and skipped some of the chapters. I think he was talking about the excruciating Whitney Houston bits, however, and not the depraved prostitute murdering stuff.

Oh and to all those hypersensitive feminists who said the book was mysogynistic, get a life. Whether he likes it or not, Easton Ellis has given the world the most tragic male lead character since.. ooo I don't know when... so it's not just "anti-women" it's anti-humans-up-their-own-arses.

Agree with FF, I'm going to have to (skip) read it again to see about the "delusions" thing.. which totally passed me by when I read it...

American Psycho

Post 4


I was quite looking forward to this since I heard that Mary Harron would be directing it. My enthusiasm wanned somewhat when Oliver Stone and Leo leapt on board, and so I was mighty chuffed when Harron and Bale got it back.
Admittedly I'm not expecting a great deal, but might be fun (if that's the right word) non the less.

American Psycho

Post 5


Very bad review in the Guide last Saturday though. it was a whole feature on psycho kilers in the cinema- very enjoyable article but put me off seeing the film. Never saw Ross - never see Ross it's on too damn late- I am unconscious by 11.15 generally. Sad but true- can't help it. Set the video? Oh that would be a idea...

American Psycho

Post 6


Looks like this is going to be good actually. Bale is very impressive in the role judging from the clips I've seen and not only does the film have TLRW and That Nice Chloe Sevigny it also features Samantha Matthis. Yum.

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