A Conversation for FU on tour. Part 2: The intergalactic years

Video Disc Bonanza

Post 1


Just had a bit of a Jammy Bastard-style result. My afore-mentioned landlord's son (the one with the website plugging the video-disc people) has gone on holiday and left me in possession of 13 or so video discs, including Scream 3, Reindeer Games, Bruce Willis "comedy" The Whole Nine Yards, Ninth Gate, American Beauty, Magnolia, Fight Club (uncut scenes ahoy), Talented Mr Ripley and various others. Okay, so most of them appear to have been shot on camcorders, and the colour leaves something to be desired, but I'm still rather excited. And all it cost me was a free Britney Spears poster that I'm too old to have on my wall anyway... (the one from Sky).

Video Disc Bonanza

Post 2


Right YOU tell me the difference between the 2 fight club versions then. Go on! Cos I can't tell...

Pah. bbfc tossers!

Video Disc Bonanza

Post 3


Try this: http://www.bbfc.co.uk/website/AboutUs.nsf/fdd3ea3928b74b588025659f00363313/2c312833b59e2ad18025681800399aab?OpenDocument

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