A Conversation for FU on tour. Part 2: The intergalactic years


Post 1


Not very interesting question... BUT..

I watched the Fugitive again on monday. Well, I say "watched" but what I actually did was watch er and flick over in the advert breaks to Harrison Phwoard and co. Anyway, both progs started at nine and when i switched over during the first advert break (about 9:15) the opening credits were STILL rolling (assuming that the end of the opening credits is when "directed by" appears). 15 minutes of prologue! Is that the longest ever or wot? It's nearly 1/8 of the total running time goddamnit!

Hmm ok so i have no life...



Post 2


Funny you should start talking about this because in the Live chat the other day I was ranting to FF and Barq about that very thing except it was in Elizabeth- you think you're well into the film and then all these little credits start appearing- they couldn't remember it, but it really bugged me.. So anyway, you another Harrison Ford drooler then? As i've said before him as Han Solo is the (unattainable) standard all me have to try to reach in my life. Real life is such a disappointment. Jeez i hope my husband never reads that! Love of Harrison ford is one of the few things me and my mum have in common (that's quite creepy actually when I think about it)


Post 3


You've got me worried now, Gillian - are you sure it was me? I don't remember that at all...


Post 4


I think that was me and Richard, yes?


Post 5


Yes it was me - RichardM(alcotraz) - and Barquing.

I agreed with the sentiment, but hadn't seen Elizabeth to comment on that specific case.


Post 6


I'll stand by what I said before though, I never noticed that the title sequence of Elizabeth dragged. Saw it quite a while back, but it just didn't register.

ho well.


Post 7


Yeah Harrison. ger-phwoargh..


Post 8


No FF you're right it wasn't you..you are not mad. This anxiety due to lack of FU is obviously getting to me.

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