A Conversation for FU on tour. Part 2: The intergalactic years

If your gettin' down baby..

Post 1


Yes I hang my head in shame. I went to see five at globen on wednesday.

And what's even worse...

I had a scarily amusing time.

Wore superhero tattoos. (I christened my (unknown) super hero "Doctor Legs Akimbo). *Sigh*

"Wiggy wiggy.. I'm gettin jiggy..."

If your gettin' down baby..

Post 2


lets face it sez, its a good job there ISN'T a Music Unlimited site at the moment isn't it?

If your gettin' down baby..

Post 3


erm.... yep!

smiley - smiley

If your gettin' down baby..

Post 4


Sez - what are Doctor Legs Akimbo's super powers?

If your gettin' down baby..

Post 5


Ha ha ha!!

Wouldn't YOU like to know!!

However, he *did* have very big thighs..

(and, no, he wasn't a bird like the name would suggest..)

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