A Conversation for FU on tour. Part 2: The intergalactic years

Well done, that man!

Post 1


Threads and everything. Marvellous.

FU Regulars

Post 2


So far that's Richard, me, TanyaJ, Barquing, Spank, Paul15, Datta and Sezzy_boy. And "PBradshaw". Where's everyone else?

FU Regulars

Post 3


And BritCraria. Don't forget him.

FU Regulars

Post 4


So where's Withnail? He's registered, but has yet to put in an appearance. Hope they sort the Talkboards out SOON - looks like "Monday at the earliest" was wishful thinking...

FU Regulars

Post 5


According to the front page, this is now one of the five busiest forums on h2g2 (either first or fifth, depending on how you count the list). Huzzah!

FU Regulars

Post 6


We could even have some new recruits by the end of this. That makes us sound like a cult though, doesn't it?

FU Regulars

Post 7


Wow. Front page kudos! Does that mean people are reading all those insulting things I wrote about Bradshaw on the homepage. Oops.

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