A Conversation for Go Go Gadget, err, Gadget


Post 1


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Post 2


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A new smiley Face!

Post 3

Tikan (ACE)

I like them Slade, I personally will be using them in the future, whether or not they get put on H2G2.


A new smiley Face!

Post 4


Hi Slade,

I used one of your smiley faces, the pruple one I hope that is what you wanted.

What I was wondering is can anyone make a kiss ing face please.
And something that gives the impression of huggs. Thank you


A new smiley Face!

Post 5

Tikan (ACE)

I will let him know in RL, he cant go online right now, thanks though


A new smiley Face!

Post 6


Thank you


A new smiley Face!

Post 7


Hey! Somone is using my smiley faces! Thanks for dropping the message Moondancer! So, by a kissing smiley do you want a smiley with big puckered up lips? I could probably have that done by the end of the week. And for the huggy smiley, how about a smiley face that is sorta squished in at the bottom and with a big smile on it's face? I could prolly have that one done in a week to. In all colours as well!


A new smiley Face!

Post 8


Hi Tyler,

That would be great, then I won't have to just put X's at the bottom of my messages smiley - smiley and I can great everyone with a kiss and a cuddle.

:X :O :X :O :X :O :X


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