A Conversation for Doctor Who - The Television Phenomenon


Post 1


It would be kind of nice if the facts were actually right in this entry - the series ran for *26* years, *not* 25 and the *second* Doctor was the first the use the name "John Smith"


Post 2




Post 3


Well if you're going to write an entry and submit it you should at least get your facts right!


Post 4

Occasional Hieroglyphic, wanderer in search of the exoteric

If we as mere mortals can occasionally find faults in others attempts at least we can feel smug about our own prefection.


Post 5

Occasional Hieroglyphic, wanderer in search of the exoteric

Sorry, I meant mrotals


Post 6

John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"

An excellunt piont!



Post 7

Horny Leprachaun

And while we're being pedantic, the nth regeneration is the one just *after* the nth doctor, so the first regeneration occurs at the end of the first Doctor's era, and the beginning of the second. The writer appears to have got a little confused on this point, believing that the fifth regeneration results in the fifth incarnation, etc.
The actual numbers are:
1st time - The Tenth Planet
2nd time - The War Games
3rd time - The Planet of the Spiders
4th time - Logopolis
5th time - The Caves of Androzani
6th time - Time and the Rani
7th time - The 1996 telemovie

Now excuse me, I must go and wash my anorak.


Post 8

Occasional Hieroglyphic, wanderer in search of the exoteric

Oh, I wish I knew as much as you.


Post 9

Occasional Hieroglyphic, wanderer in search of the exoteric

Oh, I wish I knew as much as you.


Post 10


Ok now stop all this this instant and have a go at my sci-fi quiz i have offered a prize to the smartest so you should all have a chance.


Post 11


Ok the facts are doctor who ran from the 23 november 1963 to 6 december 1989 a total of 695 episodes plus two films two plays and a tv movie.there was also a pilot episode that was made and not used then shown years later it was a bit like an unearthly child but susan was a little stranger.
The companion were susan, ian, barbara, vicki, steven, dodo, polly, ben, jamie, victoria, zoe, liz, brigadier lethbridge-stewart, sargent benton, jo, captain mike yates, sarah-jane, harry, leela, k9, k9 mark2, romana, adric, nyssa, tegan, turlough, kamelion, peri, mel and ace.
Any thing else you would like to know.


Post 12


Ok the facts are doctor who ran from the 23 november 1963 to 6 december 1989 a total of 695 episodes plus two films two plays and a tv movie.there was also a pilot episode that was made and not used then shown years later it was a bit like an unearthly child but susan was a little stranger.
The companion were susan, ian, barbara, vicki, steven, dodo, polly, ben, jamie, victoria, zoe, liz, brigadier lethbridge-stewart, sargent benton, jo, captain mike yates, sarah-jane, harry, leela, k9, k9 mark2, romana, adric, nyssa, tegan, turlough, kamelion, peri, mel and ace.
Any thing else you would like to know.


Post 13

Horny Leprachaun

One thing I would like to know: Why are you sending things twice?

In addition to what you listed, there were a number of radio plays:
The Pescatons, Slipback, The Paradise of Death and The Ghosts of N-Space are the ones I can remember. I think that's all of the 'official' stories.

The Unit staff aren't generally counted as companions, and some people suggest that Katarina and Sara are.


Post 14


I sent it twice because it came up as action canceled and was not sure the first one worked.
I new of the radio plays but did not have the titles to hand and was trying to post before the upgrade.
As for the unit people some people may not companions but what else can we call them.


Post 15

James Casey

Pardon me for not being as much of a Doctor Who freak as I thought I was, but I was under the impression that Patrick Throughton was in fact Patrick Troughton - without the extra 'h'.

At the end of the Tom Baker bit, no need to put 'time lord known as the master' since you've already mentioned the Master.

In the Peter Davison bit, the 'Companion[s]' in the Caves of Androzani is Peri.

And there's more what that came from. smiley - winkeye

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