A Conversation for The Café

Coffee Counter Wed 14 June 2000

Post 1

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

The Aroma Cafe is open for finest blended coffees and teas, specialty drinks, excellent pastries, interesting conversation and wonderful ambience.

Our orangutan Ook remains unbeaten at scrabble.
You are welcome in!

Coffee Counter Wed 14 June 2000

Post 2

One-eye, KoD, gent, MuG, randomly available


Am I numero uno?

I just posted a message at the old thread!!smiley - tongueout

*Snata reminds himself that simulposting s**ks*

Anyway this is it:

Hi Lil!

Coffee and a ton'o'brownies, please!

Sorry to keep you out of the conversation twilight!smiley - smiley

The fish in question is at Superdreamer's Dream Aquarium (http://www.h2g2.com/A359011), where it materialized itself (or something), based on my dream.

SD: Is this approximately correct?

Coffee Counter Wed 14 June 2000

Post 3


Exactly right Snat. There are a few more materialising as we speak.
I hope business picks up there soon or I might have to re-open as a sushi bar! LOLsmiley - winkeye

Coffee Counter Wed 14 June 2000

Post 4

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

For snata, a first-to-the-forum special!
-------> c{*} and  a fistful of brownies.

Thanks for reposting smiley - smiley

Coffee Counter Wed 14 June 2000

Post 5


*looks up from big pile of work, looking a bit dazed*

Hi Lil, and Good Morning...I suppose smiley - smiley
I'll have an afternoon cup of coffee myself. And a donut, if there are any. Or anything with lost of sugar.

Coffee Counter Wed 14 June 2000

Post 6

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Freedom -------> c[~] and O
I am giving you an apple spice donut as I am particularly fond of them myself.

And now I must put the IIEM on autopilot and attend to some chores. I'll be back in about an hour.

Coffee Counter Wed 14 June 2000

Post 7

One-eye, KoD, gent, MuG, randomly available

Thanx Lil!

*takes coffee and brownies*

*starts eating brownies*

Don't worry SD, business will pick up as the word spreads!

Coffee Counter Wed 14 June 2000

Post 8

One-eye, KoD, gent, MuG, randomly available

Now this is scary!!

Nothing happening for an hour!!!

Well, gotta go! See y'all tomorrow!!smiley - tongueout

Coffee Counter Wed 14 June 2000

Post 9

** twilight **

Hello, I'm sorry to have gone so long. I just nipped out to check on a very interesting forum and it just keeps dissapearing andreappearing and dissapearing. Enough said. It's driving me crazy.
So I'll just grab a douchnut and a coffee and hope for better times.

*goes to sit in corner to cool down*

oh SD, I like the aquarium. A strange thought struck me, however weard the dreams I have had were, I've never dreamt of fish.

Coffee Counter Wed 14 June 2000

Post 10


My home page has gone!!! HELP! I will pretend it's all a dream and when I open my eyes it will all be back to normal. Deep Breaths. Deep Breaths.smiley - smiley

Coffee Counter Wed 14 June 2000

Post 11


...and relax. Its all back to normal.

Hello **Twilight**. Glad you like the fish. As far as I can remember, I have never dreamt of fish either. I wonder what that says about us?

Coffee Counter Wed 14 June 2000

Post 12

** twilight **

Same thing happened to me as well. I'll give the forum one more go and then call it quits.

SD, I know this girl who says she can explain dreams. I'll ask her what she thinks. Not to shure wether she just makes it up as she goes along but it's usually good fun. I'll let you know as soon as I speak to her.

For now bye bye and see you tomorrow.

*blows kiss to everybody and skips out the door*

Coffee Counter Wed 14 June 2000

Post 13


Adios, **Twilight**.

Well Ook it looks like it's just us and the parrot. How about another game of scrabble? If you get another word with Z in on a triple letter score...smiley - sadface

Coffee Counter Wed 14 June 2000

Post 14

Witty Moniker

*release white knuckle grip on door jamb, walks toweard counter*


*shuts off receiver on PDA*

Sheeesh, these tremors are terrible. smiley - tongueout

IIEM, a Redbeard's Brew, please.

Ook, Pierrot, you guys OK?

Ook: Ooook!

Pierrot: Awwwk! Rock and Roll!

Coffee Counter Wed 14 June 2000

Post 15

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

*emerges from storeroom looking ashen*

I've been out and about a bit today, but in the time I have been here there have been two tremors.

*shakes dust out of hair*

This kind of thing is bad for business. Well, the mugs are OK. Which reminds me, I have Courtesy 38's mug ready whenever he wants it.

How's YOUR day been, Moniker?

Coffee Counter Wed 14 June 2000

Post 16

Ioreth (on hiatus)

Hello all, haven't been around lately
*mutters several curses while throing the words bell atlantic and dsl tech support*
Could I get a cup of tea? Any kind. Finals tommorrow and Friday, and three sweet sixteens this weekend. Wish me luck.

Coffee Counter Wed 14 June 2000

Post 17

Witty Moniker

I had some RL commitments to take care of today. Now, I'm back and thought I'd relax here. Took me a while to find my way, tho.

Very unnerving when the world goes alabaster and nobody recognizes you.

Coffee Counter Wed 14 June 2000

Post 18

Witty Moniker

Hi, Ioreth.

What a coincidence, I've had occasion to mutter curses at Bell Atlantic myself.

Coffee Counter Wed 14 June 2000

Post 19

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

tea for Ioreth ------> c|~|

I like to see a nice conversation going at the cafe, but these tremors just bring everything to a halt. I wonder what the cause is?

Coffee Counter Wed 14 June 2000

Post 20

Witty Moniker


Lil, it's seems awfully quiet. *Nods towards stairs* Do you think he's moved on?

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