A Conversation for The Café
The Film Group
%The Calamitous Cranium Boy Who Just got his first approved article (eight weeks ago!!) ~/^Þ Posted Dec 2, 1999
Well, it's a pretty old book, but it's in really good condition.
You know what? I want to have a really good in depth conversation about 2001: A Space Odyssey, it's symbolism, what exactly happened at the end and stuff... so I'm going to start (or find) a new conversation somewhere.
The Film Group
%The Calamitous Cranium Boy Who Just got his first approved article (eight weeks ago!!) ~/^Þ Posted Dec 2, 1999
Talk to me here:
The Film Group
Mustapha Posted Dec 6, 1999
Love Terry Gilliam's stuff, especially "The Fisher King". Definitely a candidate for the Best Use of the Word "F@@k" in a Dramatic Role award.
Terry has a great line on psychological demons (eg Death in Munchausen, the Samurai in Brazil, Fisher King's Red Knight), and he's a great user of colour.
The Film Group
kats-eyes (psychically confirmed caffeine addict) Posted Dec 6, 1999
sure, count me in for Terry Gilliam - I have all of his movies (although I have to admit that I liked the use of the f-word in 4 weddings & a funeral, too - they translated it in germany - to sh*t
The Film Group
%The Calamitous Cranium Boy Who Just got his first approved article (eight weeks ago!!) ~/^Þ Posted Dec 6, 1999
I didn't know that Terry Gilliam directed The Fisher King. I haven't seen it. Is it good? The only ones that I knew he directed were Baron Munchousen (however it's spelled), Time Bandits (where at the end, god appears wearing a suit from the actors own personal wardrobe), Brazil, and Twelve Monkeys (I'm sure I'm forgetting something).
The Film Group
Bluebottle Posted Dec 7, 1999
Fear And Loathing perhaps?
For more Terry Gilliam, go to:
The Film Group
Amanda Posted Dec 7, 1999
*ding ding ding!!!* You win the grand prize *Hands over coveted cookie*
In the credits of "Clerks", at the very end, you'll see the line "Jay and Silent Bob will return in Dogma". I'd never noticed that until the last time I watched it. Pretty cool, huh?
The Film Group
Amanda Posted Dec 7, 1999
I think I could spend the rest of my life watching Gilliam's movies! Brazil is still my favorite without a doubt, but I love any director that throws in all sorts of weird stuff in the background, just within sight. (i.e. Kevin Smith and Kubrick, yet again!). And I love how Gilliam ends his movies - never the way that you'd expect!!
The Film Group
Mustapha Posted Dec 7, 1999
In response to Placebo, Fisher King is generally regarded as a good film (4 out of 5), with some finding fault with it's OTT flamboyance, but then this also the movie's strength. It has a certain magical feel about it, and New York work's great as a medieval setting, in what is essentially a medieval romance, a story about flawed knights & noble quests. (A grail film from an ex-Python - who'd have thunk it?)
The Film Group
%The Calamitous Cranium Boy Who Just got his first approved article (eight weeks ago!!) ~/^Þ Posted Dec 10, 1999
I was thinking of The Jabberwocky (which I haven't seen).
I didn't know he did Fear and Loathing!
It was really well directed, and the hallucinations were awesome. But the madness and total randomness of events didn't quite live up to those of Where The Buffalo Rome, which had Bill Murray playing Hunter S. Thomson.
The Film Group
Irving Washington - Gone Writing Posted Dec 10, 1999
Hey everybody! We made Peta's Picks! I'm excited about it! Free Coffee All Around!
The Film Group
Amanda Posted Dec 11, 1999
Broomshtick- I have to disagree. Gilliam's film version of "Fear and Loathing" was nearly taken shot for shot from the book. It incorporated all of the madness that Hunter himself put down into words - he even makes a cameo! "Where The Buffalo Roam" was great in it's own way - sort of detailing Hunter's experiences in the "sweepy" way he usually does himself (and Bill Murray is nuts!), but Gilliam did a much better job of captuing that sort of deluded, drug-hazed feel that you get when reading Hunter's books. IMHO, of course.
Caulk it up partially to modern film-making technology, but mostly to a fabulous director.
The Film Group
%The Calamitous Cranium Boy Who Just got his first approved article (eight weeks ago!!) ~/^Þ Posted Dec 11, 1999
I'll compromise. Gilliams film capture the madness through good directing and wicked special effects while Murray's (not that he directed it) captured it through fine acting (though I must say, Jonny Depp handled the cigarette holder very well).
The Film Group
Lupa Mirabilis, Serious Inquisitor Posted Dec 13, 1999
Yep, it does. It says they'll return in "Clerks 2."
The Film Group
Irving Washington - Gone Writing Posted Dec 13, 1999
I wonder whether my roommate knows about that?
The Film Group
Demon Drawer Posted Apr 24, 2000
OK I feel there hasn't been a lot of film discussion going on here over coffee/tea recently. Irv a cup of your finest English Breakfast Tea, and let's start talking pictures that move again.
The Film Group
Spartus Posted Apr 25, 2000
You may want to start a new thread, though, otherwise people'll kill you for dropping new, fresh, interesting and (dare I? I dare ) even witty commentary in a thread this long, since it'll take 'em all 15 minutes before they can read any of it, new servers or no new servers.
The Film Group
Irving Washington - Gone Writing Posted Apr 25, 2000
I had assumed that this thread just plain died! But if you all want to start the conversation anew, I'm not going to stop you! Here you guys go c(~) c(~)
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The Film Group
- 101: %The Calamitous Cranium Boy Who Just got his first approved article (eight weeks ago!!) ~/^Þ (Dec 2, 1999)
- 102: %The Calamitous Cranium Boy Who Just got his first approved article (eight weeks ago!!) ~/^Þ (Dec 2, 1999)
- 103: Mustapha (Dec 6, 1999)
- 104: kats-eyes (psychically confirmed caffeine addict) (Dec 6, 1999)
- 105: %The Calamitous Cranium Boy Who Just got his first approved article (eight weeks ago!!) ~/^Þ (Dec 6, 1999)
- 106: Bluebottle (Dec 7, 1999)
- 107: Amanda (Dec 7, 1999)
- 108: Amanda (Dec 7, 1999)
- 109: Mustapha (Dec 7, 1999)
- 110: %The Calamitous Cranium Boy Who Just got his first approved article (eight weeks ago!!) ~/^Þ (Dec 10, 1999)
- 111: Irving Washington - Gone Writing (Dec 10, 1999)
- 112: Amanda (Dec 11, 1999)
- 113: %The Calamitous Cranium Boy Who Just got his first approved article (eight weeks ago!!) ~/^Þ (Dec 11, 1999)
- 114: Amanda (Dec 12, 1999)
- 115: Lupa Mirabilis, Serious Inquisitor (Dec 13, 1999)
- 116: Irving Washington - Gone Writing (Dec 13, 1999)
- 117: Demon Drawer (Apr 24, 2000)
- 118: Spartus (Apr 25, 2000)
- 119: Irving Washington - Gone Writing (Apr 25, 2000)
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