A Conversation for The Café

The Film Group

Post 1

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

Hello! Well, I have to admit, though I like movies, and I've seen alot of classics, I'm not exactly the foremost expert on films. But that doesn't matter. This forum is for anyone who knows anything about films and wants to share. Discuss the latest Hollywood Megahit, or the most edgy independent work. Promote your own pet project! All over a cup of wonderfully aromatic coffee. Enjoy!

The Film Group

Post 2


Hi again - yes, I also like films (as you know), and seem to have collected a group of friends who like films, and I always enjoy any film discussion - but I prefer talking about films over a cup of tea - I hope you don't chuck me out because of that!

The Film Group

Post 3

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

Well there's no problem with that. Most of the coffee houses I've been to have served tea. Not GREAT tea, mind you, but tea, nonetheless. This coffee house, not being bound by reality, serves WONDERFUL tea. So, what'll it be?

The Film Group

Post 4


Erm, a cup of tea? smiley - coffee

The Film Group

Post 5

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

Nothing's ever that simple. What kind of tea? Iced or hot? Decaf or regular?

The Film Group

Post 6


Regular - with any amount of milk - and two sugar cubes.

The Film Group

Post 7

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

One regular, milk, and two sugar cubes, coming up!

The Film Group

Post 8

Roasted Amoeba

I must just put my foot in the door and say this before any other of the millions of fans beat me to it: The Shawshank Redemption is the greatest film ever!!!!! Er... I should say, it's my favourite film... the greatest film ever is a subject that should be left open for discussion.

The Film Group

Post 9

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

I'll have to see the Shawshank Redemption. Last night The Princess Bride was on down here. That used to be my automatic response when someone asked me my favorite movie. Now I've actually seen some films (films as opposed to movies) and I'm not so sure...

The Film Group

Post 10

Lupa Mirabilis, Serious Inquisitor

Hey, the Princess Bride _is_ the greatest film ever. Don't you turn traitor on us....(us being all of its loyal fans)

The Film Group

Post 11

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

Well, it certainly still has enough power to keep me seated after viewing it a few hundred times. smiley - smiley

The Film Group

Post 12

Lupa Mirabilis, Serious Inquisitor

Myself, I watch it every time I get the chance. I don't quite have all the dialogue memorized, but I'm working on it.

The Film Group

Post 13

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

I used to be able to quote it straight through, back when I watched it at least once a week. Now, I'm not as fluent. smiley - sadface

The Film Group

Post 14

Lupa Mirabilis, Serious Inquisitor

Oh, I can quote large chunks, and often remember a line just after hearing the previous line, but that's it so far.

The Film Group

Post 15

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

"You've fallen victim to one of the classic blunders! The most famous of which is never get involved in a land war in Asia, but only slightly less well known is this: "

Finish the quote smiley - smiley

The Film Group

Post 16

Lupa Mirabilis, Serious Inquisitor

"Never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line! Ha ha ha ha ha ha...ha ha ha ha ha ha...ha ha ha "

That's one of the scenes I almost have by heart. A friend and I once went through the whole thing over the phone once, starting from "We are at an impasse, then" and ending by flopping sideways onto our beds, which we fortunately were both sitting on at the time.

The Film Group

Post 17

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

Very good! But the line you quoted below should be "then we are at an impass." I think. Here's a trickier one:

Okay, I tried to think of a tricky one, but couldn't. Here's an easier one:

Buttercup: You can die cut into a thousand peices for all I care

The Film Group

Post 18


(falling down hill...)
If I am right, how about telling me the 3 dangers of the fireswamp???

The Film Group

Post 19

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

There's the firespurts... noooo problem, there's a popping sound preceding each we can avoid that. The lightning sand, which you were clever enough to discover but with practice in the future we can avoid that, too.

(Grabs his arm)Wesley, what about the ROUS's?

Rodents of Unusual Size? I don't think they exist (ROUS flys out of nowhere and knocks him over).

I'm not sure I got that first part entirely right, but it's pretty close!

Vincinni, surely he can _fuss_

The Film Group

Post 20

kats-eyes (psychically confirmed caffeine addict)

is it lightning sand? 't would be quicksand in german... so now I know what to do tonight, see this great movie yet again... who can finish "Hello. My name is..."?

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