A Conversation for Things to do in Paris, France

Crossing the road in Paris...

Post 1


1. Do it carefully
2. Do it at recognised crossings only
3. Do not think you can make it accross the crossing if you arrive after the light has gone green.

Myself and my girlfriend tried this being foolish English who know you can always get across a pelican crossing inthe UK because the flashing amber light gives you the right of way before the cars try to run you over. We were half way across and the lights changed. The cars instantly swept passed us on both sides, literally inches away from us and so we were stranded in the middle of the road with absolutely no chance of getting to the other side until the lights changed back into our favour. The only reason we survived was that the shock simply rooted us to the spot. Had we panicked and made a dash for it, I wouldn't be here today advising you on the following:

4. Use the metro instead.

Crossing the road in Paris...

Post 2

SPINY (aka Ship's Cook)

And remember to look left...

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Crossing the road in Paris...

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