A Conversation for The Feline and Fiddle

The Games Corner

Post 221

Dancing Ermine

Got it in one! smiley - winkeye

Later than usual signing on tonight I see

The Games Corner

Post 222

Dancing Ermine

That was for Menza, sorry.

Hi Tali, I popped in there myself earlier.

The Games Corner

Post 223


*passes smiley - ale and |_| over*

But what would the court want to do with a humble tavern owner like myself? smiley - smiley

The Games Corner

Post 224


You get a title like Royal Ale Supplier or just take a little vacation and let the serving wenches do the serving. Thanks for the beer.

The Games Corner

Post 225

Dancing Ermine

Play it up as the "Finest Tavern in the Land, Catering Specially to Her Royal Highness's Most Loyal Subjects", make up a title, and claim that you are only running the pub because some ancestor gambled away the family fortune.

I was a mere Fortune seeker up until yesterday. Now I'm a major fortune owner, one story later (and I'm not going to spam it this time smiley - smiley)

The Games Corner

Post 226


Much apriciated. I've actually managed to spam once only, and that was accidentally. I had 3 windows open and typed it into the wrong one.

The Games Corner

Post 227

Dancing Ermine

I usually just use two, thoughI can occasionally get slightly overwhelmed trying to catch up with all the conversations.

The Games Corner

Post 228


I have 2 that I'm activly replying to, and one where I'm reading stuff.

The Games Corner

Post 229

Dancing Ermine

I tend to use the second one for reading in the lulls between replies. It's a reasonably effective system.

The Games Corner

Post 230


With this place I don't often get lulls. smiley - smiley

The Games Corner

Post 231

Dancing Ermine

That's probably my fault.smiley - winkeye

I'm on long enough that I'm around for the quiet bits too.

The Games Corner

Post 232


I'm going to have to go. Sleep time. :-0

*puts self serve sign over the bar*

I'll leave you in charge for a bit. smiley - smiley

The Games Corner

Post 233

Dancing Ermine

No, I'm off too this is a bit late even for me smiley - winkeye

¦-) : Can't keep eyes open

smiley - bigeyes : Desperately trying to stay awake

smiley - smiley

The Games Corner

Post 234


I'm back, anyone want a drink? smiley - smiley

The Games Corner

Post 235

Dancing Ermine

I could be tempted smiley - smiley

The Games Corner

Post 236


*hands over the usual |_|*

How was the Zam yesterday? smiley - smiley

The Games Corner

Post 237

Dancing Ermine

Nasty, but I answered more questions than anyone I talked to. I should have done more revision though. Last one on Mondaysmiley - smiley

The Games Corner

Post 238


Will you be breaking the no beer rule on monday evening? smiley - smiley

The Games Corner

Post 239

Dancing Ermine

Not even for that. I want to _enjoy_ a drink on monday night, not choke on one.smiley - smiley

The Games Corner

Post 240


Fair enough, we usually had a few drinks after a set of exams. Not horribly drunk, just having a laugh.

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