A Conversation for Holes in History - FWR - The Chase.
The Chase. Part 8.
FWR Started conversation Nov 8, 2020
As the fire ignited, the bailiffs pulled Rulf to his feet, pushing him towards a crude trestle table that bore a rank and bloodstained hide.
He felt acid burn his throat, whether the smell or fear was raising his bile, Rulf cared not, he just hoped he could keep from vomiting, sure that this act of perceived cowardice would bring yet more mirth from the crowds.
Those same crowds, who were now torn between watching the pagan burn, or watching the young poacher be sewn into the deer skin.
Tadhg cried out as the flames climbed, and all eyes turned to the giant heathen at the stake, the boy could wait.
They gasped as he worked his arms down the stake, ignoring the rough wood that gouged his flash, crouching now, as if eager to taste the heat and join Lucifer in Hell.
Tadhg cried out again as the flames engulfed his hands, heat searing his flesh as he pulled the ropes taught between his wrists, crouching even lower into the furnace at his burning feet.
Then, just as he thought the pain was too much to bear, Tadhg felt the shackles give slightly. Doubling his efforts, sweat streaming into his eyes, he pulled mightily at his bonds.
With a snap, the scorched rope parted, Tadhg leapt from the fires, knocking a bailiff to the ground, quickly snatching up the man's sword and running into the square, screaming for blood and Valhalla!
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The Chase. Part 8.
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