A Conversation for The Lounge

Thank you, Researchers!

Post 1

Milla, h2g2 Operations

As it is our 17 anniversary - h2g2 was founded on 28 April, 1999 - I thought I'd check how we're doing.

Today, we have 10938 Edited Entries in the Guide.
That's all created by you Researchers - Thank you!

And The Post has published 1032 editions, that in itself covers many entries per edition, so go read to your hearts content!

And if you really don't know where to begin, why don't you try the Infinite Improbability Drive, guaranteed to take you somewhere you didn't know you wanted to go.

smiley - ok

smiley - towel

Thank you, Researchers!

Post 2

Milla, h2g2 Operations

Oh and our top five Researchers are
User ID User Name Entries Count
43530 Bluebottle 332
128652 Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor 272
151503 Gnomon 219
566116 AlexAshman 166
201497 J 140

Imagine that, 5 people having published a total of 1404 entries? I'm impressed, I really am.

Also, Dmitri informs me that the actual number of Post editions is 682, due to some confused book keeping in the early years... Which is still plent to read!

smiley - towel

Thank you, Researchers!

Post 3

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

We consider the Post to represent an impressive body of work, Researcher-wise. smiley - whistle

Thank you, Researchers!

Post 4

Milla, h2g2 Operations

Definitely! smiley - biggrin

smiley - towel

Thank you, Researchers!

Post 5


smiley - ok


Thank you, Researchers!

Post 6


smiley - candle
smiley - cupcake
Yay us !! smiley - biggrin

Thank you, Researchers!

Post 7

Magwitch - My name is Mags and I am funky.

smiley - musicalnote

Happy Birthday to us,
It is such a buzz,
Some entries,
Are nearly 20,
And that's all down to us*.

smiley - musicalnote

*yeah, lame end but It's been an odd week

smiley - cakesmiley - ale

Thank you, Researchers!

Post 8

SashaQ - happysad

I'm in awe of that top 5 too! smiley - wow

I'm not doing so bad myself - I'm *nearly* up to 42 Solo Edited Entries and of course there's the collaborative Entries too, so I've learned a huge amount in my 7 years as a denizen of h2g2 and it's a pleasure to share it with all of you smiley - magicsmiley - biggrin

Thank you, Researchers!

Post 9


On the Ifinite Improbability Drive, I like to give tgat one a tap after going through conversations. FP and Post items, before exiting.

Key: Complain about this post