A Conversation for New h2g2 Feedback

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Post 1

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

The click-here-to-see-more-conversations link
on the bottom of the ASKh2g2 A-page:


only takes you to the conversation thread
most recently updated
and not to a list.

At least that's the case in alabaster frames.

smiley - cheers

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Post 2

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

No use me testing it, then. I'll refer the matter upstairs.

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Post 3


>> At least that's the case in a*******r frames

Likewise in Goo frames

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Post 4

RadoxTheGreen - Retired

It's working in Brunel.smiley - ok

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Post 5

hairy the horse ~ dances the vaultz

smiley - bigeyes
>> Likewise in Goo frames <<

Hmm.. maybe it's cuz the conversation lists
are just lists and don't have any side-bar
frame that names the posters.

I tend to delay logging on lately and have a look at
the conversation list as it appears in the default brunel.

I can see dozens of thread titles and open them
and browse and lurk until I feel the need to logon
and reply. This serves me well as a form of self-
editing filter and keeps me from making so many
knee-jerk and trivial responses, especially in
threads I am not that 'into'. I'm also becoming
quite fond of the fuller pages of brunel that do
not require so much scrolling as the diminished
lower quarter page frame that alabaster gives for
viewing postings. But old habits die hard.
smiley - cheers

smiley - pony

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Post 6

You can call me TC

I don't get the question either. With goo frames (and presumably with alabaster frames) there is no such thing as a conversation list??? You always see the list of conversations in the one frame and a conversation in the other frame, whichever conversation in the third frame you have chosen to look at.

I.e. Top left: List of posts (giving name of poster and time of posting)
Bottom left: All the other conversations in that page on the forum.
Right - throughout: The current conversation.

Having said that, if I click on the name of the forum at the top of the conversation, I get back to the forum page, with a shortened list of the top most current conversations somewhere at the bottom.

I like it that way.

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