This is the Message Centre for BDG

just a hello from me!

Post 181


Where does the "time" go here though smiley - tit? Agreed it is a fascination and an addiction. smiley - biggrin How do you manage to stay on line all the time, even when you go on holiday!? I tried Dark Master's refresh a while back but it didn't seem to work for me. smiley - yikes

I think the mourning must be over..... we must be positive I liked your name before Self Proclaimed Migration Officer I'm seconding it. I will be the smiley - fishsmiley - smiley strange isn't it how insignificant things that happened even in this thread, which one questioned now have meaning?

I remember Human League well, one of the bands that brought sideways dancing as opposed to forwards and backwards smiley - smiley

Oh BTW why isn't my 42isum centred? smiley - grr I spent 20 minutes trying to get it to do it, it did the first time on preview then the system didn't update and I had to start again smiley - laugh

smiley - fish

just a hello from me!

Post 182

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit still playing in a coloured band
"It is not "CENTRE" it is "CENTER" smiley - biggrin

By the way can you please (also for yourself) use one line per tag ?

smiley - space my 42ism

I know it is not needed for the browser, but it is lots easyer to read for humans. See < A6631157 > for a more complex structure, I could have junked all on one line, but then it is hard for anyone to find the or the (NB best viewed in firefox, that browser does blink and scroll. . . "

just a hello from me!

Post 183


smiley - ta where would I be without you? smiley - biggrin I knew it was something silly smiley - laugh

Yes understand will sort out spaces soon....time to relax now listening to Jason, why don't you tune in? He has a few other listeners "international" good fun colourful music smiley - smiley

I'm not an IT expert just a little smiley - fish so don't understand much smiley - smiley firefox? smiley - yikes

just a hello from me!

Post 184


You smiley - oksmiley - tit? Saw about the smiley - thepost hope it all works out soon.

Went to your Restuarant at the End of the Universe last night smiley - biggrinsmiley - magic still thinking of a "rule" smiley - smiley

Is my page a bit better now? I've copies across one of the pictures into my guide entry just need to write it now! Thanks again for being a friend. smiley - hug

smiley - fish

just a hello from me!

Post 185

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit close to the edge
"It is smiley - ok to use pictures in an entry, however i you wat it to be a 'Guide Entry', it has to be limited to approved GuideML, that is without images. smiley - sadface

The Editorial process includes that only the entry of the day gets an image, and the image has to be made by the inhouse artists.

For your Personal Space, an unedited entry (just a piece of text not included in the categorisation), or society pages it is ok to use images. smiley - smiley Although take extra percaution using non h2g2 images.


just a hello from me!

Post 186


Hi smiley - tit

Thanks for the above smiley - sorry I haven't got around to replying before does that mean you can use Guide ML pictures from the library? If so, doesn't that take us back to my original query about no such disability pictures being available there? After all the trouble you went to to find them smiley - smiley

Also I'm a little confused by Lil's latest response to the recent arrival! Should I perhaps stay out of it? To be honest I agree with your first instinct, we had already come to that conclusion. Not sure which page you meant in reference to the bugs but got the gist of what you were saying I think! It seems strange to me that once a researcher clicks to enter h2g2 that existing researchers/ACEs cannot post to them with the single sign on philosophy etc.? This doesn't happen if they go to other boards and click to subscribe does it ie that existing posters can't post to them? Yet more site confusion I suppose smiley - smiley

smiley - fish

just a hello from me!

Post 187

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit maintaining some precious links
"You have to know the DNA cluster is already that old there are site beyond their life time. Those sites are closed.

Members of those sites who have posted to HooToo can only be reached by replying to the thread where they have posted. Their 'Member Page' can not be reached anymore. "

just a hello from me!

Post 188

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit rereading
"ACEs are for HooToo only, they will not greet members of the other sites on other sites. "

just a hello from me!

Post 189


Yes I know that still don't understand it though! Because I can post to a member's personal space into R2 but only if I do it from hootoo, or anywhere else if I've clicked to join that board!? Does that mean the "homesite link" does not now work to change emination? Isn't this the easiest solution? Because to me if a reseracher decides to join hootoo after coming from another board it shouldn't be necessary surely for them to re-register!? I don't understand why they have done it that way. For example if users do eventually decide to come and write entry for R2 they would have to create a new registration that seems smiley - weird to me! Anyway I'm confused still re bug page and which one it was?! smiley - smiley

What about the pictures? smiley - sorry lots of questions again but many things smiley - fish dosen't understand smiley - biggrin

just a hello from me!

Post 190


smiley - tit we crossed in the post I know ACE's only ACE for researchers for h2g2 but once they come here and "click" to join hootoo like you do with any DNA board surely then they should be ACE'd that's what I'm trying to say. Albeit this one was a bit of a one off the example I gave above re R2 is valid surely? Perhaps I'm being dense here smiley - blush?

just a hello from me!

Post 191

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit not sure about the BBC policy either
"If a memeber of another site really wants to become a Researcher and participate to the site they can be transferred. However you do not have to be member of HooToo to participate in writing entries and discussions.

The way things work is changing. Just be calm and try to figure out what does work and what not. Do not blame me or anyone if something that did work yesterday does not work today. When the < <./>/dna/1xtra</.> > site went life our personal spaces where visible and most things did work (limited to text only links). Some later they removed all links from functioning on our pages. Then the links came back. Then the pages disappeared and finally now also the message centers are gone.

Take your time and ty to understand one thing per day. There are way to many things to understand all in full, I still learn a new 'trick' every few days. smiley - biggrin"

just a hello from me!

Post 192


I'm not blaming you or anyone in particular! smiley - tit Please don't think that smiley - biggrin Just curious if I don't ask then I won't learn surely? You have taught me lots of new tricks so many thanks for that and yes I learn everyday. I know that people can post here without being aced and write entries it just doesn't make sense to me, I accept it but I like to understand the rational.....yes I will be patient or try anyway, I hope I'm not trying your patience?

Anyway back to the pictures can I use pictures from the library in a guide entry?

smiley - fish

just a hello from me!

Post 193

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit not sure about the 'freedom' of the ACEs
"Remember the ACEs are operating under 'direct command' of the italics on a closed email group.

I do not have all information, just what I deduce and read between the lines. I do know that anybody seeking Guidance to this site can be approached on HooToo by the ACEs. There are thin lines here, and I know the ACEs are limited. (What they do can be seen as spamming on the other sites). "

just a hello from me!

Post 194


Yes I understand smiley - tit I'm reading between the lines too smiley - biggrin.

Tis (bristolian expression) all very confusing though smiley - laugh

I value very much your input and advice and I've learnt a great deal from you. I also think that now the boards have been DNAed hopefully it will all work out in the fullness of time. Personally I believe there are many benefits to managing ones space from hootoo and would like to see more conformity throughout DNA space. smiley - smiley

just a hello from me!

Post 195

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit hop step and jumping over the thread
"You can use any image from the picture library without problems.

The restrictions are mainly about entries going into < PeerReview >, they have to comply with the < Writing-Guidelines >

I know you are not blaming anyone, just remember if it suddenly does _not_ work, there may be a bug or an unannounced change in policy about something obscure.

If you have questions just ask, if I do not have time or feel unable to answer anyway, you will notice. (This goes for anybody on this thread)"

just a hello from me!

Post 196


Thanks smiley - tit I've read the writing guidelines before I personally still find it all a bit daunting hence the reason I haven't produced anything yet smiley - smiley.

I do think it is a bit bad that no pictures for/of the disabled are available in the Library particularly when people who in the future when reading the guide, may need pictures to make things clearer for them, so I think we have gone full circle on that one don't you?
Where do I bring that issue up? smiley - yikes

Going back to the Aceing yes I can understand about spamming to other sites but once someone "clicks" to register here and then starts participating in this site then surely it makes sense for them to be ACEd? Still I suspect it goes back to what you said the other day also about large organisations and obsure changes in policy etc. smiley - biggrin

Have a good evening and thanks for all your help and time again. smiley - hug

smiley - fish

Leave a Message Place

Post 197


I really know that I should know you, but I can't remember where. Archer

Leave a Message Place

Post 198

Al Fresco II

Hi BDG, hope you are keeping in fine fettle.smiley - biggrin

The "Where I Live Boards" have become unusable, the only threads seem to be "English Nationalism" and "Are cats Evil?"smiley - sadfacesmiley - wah

Other folks, such as silver surfers, that had gotten used to the old boards were falling off, and not posting. The BBC, IMO, lost a valuable asset when it closed those old boards.smiley - erm

I've emigrated to a new board that I've built, and some of the regulars and people from other boards I hang out in, have moved across to join. If you're ever passing please drop in for a G&T.smiley - bubbly

The clue to reaching the board is in Message #9, on the Mersey Tavern @ Deserted Inn thread at BBC Liverpool.smiley - winkeye


smiley - hug

Al Fresco

Leave a Message Place

Post 199


Hi Al

Not been here much lately, hence the delay in picking up the message smiley - biggrin. Lots of problems with my daughter so hardly been posting. Yes most of the posters seem to have left the England boards don't they? I think they could have done a much better job with them than they have ie putting on a "my discussions" link which they still haven't done! It's had the opposite effect on the R2 boards we have more posters than ever smiley - yikes. I stopped posting in the Avon a long while back because I just had enough of everything that went on. I posted a few posts when the new boards came online, but soon decided it wasn't worth the hassle with you know who.

Thanks for the invite I shall pop in and see you when I get chance and have a glass of smiley - bubblysmiley - smiley never say no to one of those smiley - winkeye. Probably won't be this week though as I'm more than likely going away for a few days. Got the clue smiley - winkeye

Colonel if you read this smiley - sorry to not to reply before but as far as I know we only met comparatively recently, when I visited the Ouch board and then you appeared in R2. smiley - biggrin

Have a good week everyone.

BDG smiley - fish

Leave a Message Place

Post 200


Hi smiley - tit

Just wanted to wish you and your family a very HAPPY CHRISTMAS and a great New Year for 2006 smiley - biggrin many thanks for all your help this year much appreciated smiley - hug

The new Dr. Who series starts on Christmas Day so we are all looking forward to that in our house smiley - biggrin Also can't wait to play with my son's remoted control dalek I've bought him for Christmas as well smiley - winkeye

So I hope despite being a time traveller Santa brings you lots of smiley - gifts and you spend time with your family and enjoy. Lifes too short to always be on the putter smiley - smiley.

MERRY CHRISTMAS to anyone else reading this thread too and a VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR to one and all.

smiley - love BDG smiley - fish

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